All posts tagged "US"
The Phaser | June 6, 2015
A Forecast: An Eyewitness Account on Libya in 2011
from A Forecast: An Eyewitness Account on Libya in 2011 by grtv: The following is an interview from...
The Phaser | June 5, 2015
Saudi war crimes: Double standards and whitewashing?
by Catherine Shakdam, RT: As Yemen sinks further into the pyre of war, Saudi Arabia has used its...
The Phaser | June 3, 2015
Exclusive Breaking: US Accusations against Syria Backfire(Updated)
And Iraq Proves America is Aiding ISIS, including setting up “black ops” ambushes against the Iraqi Army
The Phaser | June 1, 2015
PressTV (6-1-15) Scott Bennett Exposes ISIS Funding!
from Truth Warriors: Scott Bennett discovered that ISIS funding is tied to the Gulf States, Israel and the US....
The Phaser | May 31, 2015
Ex-Yemeni President: Wars in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya Stirred by Saudis to Serve Israel
from Fars News Agency, Global Research: Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Salih underlined that Saudi Arabia has been behind...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015
‘Don Corleone Blatter not going anywhere’ – Pepe Escobar and Harry Fear
from RT: US authorities have charged nine FIFA officials and five sports media executives. They’re accused of taking...
The Phaser | May 23, 2015
Foreign Mining, State Corruption and Human Rights in Mongolia
Goldman Prizewinner Gets 21 Years for Resistance to Genocide [Editors note: This sounds very similar to the shootings...
The Phaser | May 22, 2015
US has Launched a New Assault Against Russia
by Petr Lvov, If someone had the impression that the visit of Secretary of State John Kerry...
The Phaser | May 19, 2015
US fingers in Nazi Ukraine pie – killing continues in Eastern Ukraine thanks to US- Minsk 11 agreements broken.
‘Any time US official visits Ukraine, some attack happens afterward’ Civilian killed in intense Ukrainian army shelling...
The Phaser | May 19, 2015
The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Author’s Introductory Note Environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) for military use constitute, in...