All posts tagged "US Debt"
The Phaser | December 12, 2022
China is STACKING MASSIVE Gold Reserves
from SD Bullion: China is STACKING MASSIVE Gold Reserves VIDEO:
The Phaser | December 21, 2017
Bitcoin, Debt and You
from Bitcoin, Debt and You VIDEO: Massive debt will bring the USA down and be converted to Chinese...
The Phaser | November 18, 2017
The US/China Deal The Cabal Didn’t Want You To Know About: Harley Schlanger
from X22Report Spotlight: The US/China Deal The Cabal Didn’t Want You To Know About: Harley Schlanger VIDEO:
The Phaser | February 3, 2017
Japan’s Pension MegaFund To Invest in ‘U.S. Infrastructure’… WHY??
from Giza Death Star Community: VIDEO: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE NEFARIUM FEB 2 2017 Japan’s pension megafund to...
The Phaser | June 29, 2016
The Corruption Can’t Stop The Masses From RISING – JIM WILLIE
from perpetualassets: VIDEO: Will Lehr of interviews Jim Willie of ~ Click here for Parts 2 And 3:...
The Phaser | June 6, 2016
Think The Inner Cities Won’t Burn When The System Collapses?
from TheDailySheeple: VIDEO: EBT Food Stamp System Crash: “How Am I Going to Feed My Family?” RELATED: Woman...
The Phaser | May 24, 2016
PAPER PONZI USA — Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
from John B. Wells: VIDEO: In this edition we spend some time with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to address...
The Phaser | May 14, 2016
Is There A Silver Shortage? Silver Expert David Morgan Presents the Data
from SilverDoctors: VIDEO: Throughout 2015’s Severe Retail Investment Silver Shortage, Skeptics Claimed That Silver Itself Was In Abundant Supply &...
The Phaser | May 10, 2016
from VIDEO: Marco Saba, the President of Italian Institute of Superior Studies on Economic & Monetary Sovereignty, joins me...
The Phaser | May 7, 2016
Roger Stone: The Battle For A Trump Presidency Has Just Begun
from The Alex Jones Channel: VIDEO: “Trump is a force of nature.” – Roger Stone And unlike Hillary, he...