All posts tagged "UN"
The Phaser | March 11, 2016
Anti-Zika GMO Mosquitos Injected with Herpes & E-Coli
from BPEarthWatch: VIDEO: OX513A. This male is created by injecting very small amounts of synthetic DNA into thousands of mosquito...
The Phaser | February 26, 2016
The NWO Stole The World’s Gold
from justinwoolee: VIDEO: NWO time line : 1348 – Order of the Garter 1776 – Order of the Illuminati 1798...
The Phaser | February 7, 2016
ZIKA Mutant Virus Targets Progeny: Human Depopulation Pandemic Arrives
from C. Ervana: VIDEO: There is a reason I use the word “progeny” several times in this video… We are...
The Phaser | February 6, 2016
Terrifying Prophecy Written in 1908 About Barack Obama & Pope Francis
from C. Ervana: VIDEO: Robert Hugh Benson penned a novel called “prophetic” by Pope Benedict XVI and recommended by Pope...
The Phaser | February 6, 2016
Some Things to Know About the Zika Virus Rollout
from pocketsofthefuture: VIDEO: The playbook of the powers that ought-not-be is FEAR. Selling FEAR, all day long, every day....
The Phaser | January 14, 2016
Special Report: Legislators in 5 States File Bills to NULLIFY Fed Gun Control
from Tenth Amendment Center: VIDEO: While President Obama and his allies ramp up their efforts against your right to keep...
The Phaser | January 14, 2016
from grindall61: VIDEO: This is in response to SCAG’s half trillion dollar plan to convert Southern California into the...
The Phaser | January 14, 2016
Obama’s NWO Anti-Gun Executive Orders: 666 “BEAST TECH”
from The Black Child: VIDEO: Obama the poser puppet for the NWO globalists who created him and offered him...
The Phaser | January 14, 2016
Obama Pushes Authorization For War To Get WW3 Started
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 866b
The Phaser | January 13, 2016
Sandy Hook, San Bernardino & Boston Bombing Conspiracies Exposed
from Enter The Buzzsaw: VIDEO: Explore Sandy Hook with Jim Fetzer, who declares that nobody died at Newtown, and illuminates...