All posts tagged "Ukraine"
The Phaser | July 30, 2015
The MH-17 Cover-Up: What Do We Know Now?
from Ron Paul Liberty Report, via RonPaul2008dotcom: The blame game continues over who shot down Malaysian Airlines flight...
The Phaser | July 22, 2015
Kiev’s Report Secrecy Boosts Suspicions Ukraine Shot Down MH17
[Ed Note: Meanwhile the US mockingbird media remain completely silent, therefore complicit in crimes and false flag events...
The Phaser | July 21, 2015
from UCYTV: Extreme neo-feudelism is on the menu for Americans as the Banksters, corporations and nuclear cartel run...
The Phaser | June 27, 2015
BBC: [U.S. Backed] Armed Nazis Led “Revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine
from Neo: Like the West’s support of sectarian terrorists across the Middle East, including Al Qaeda, it has...
The Phaser | June 26, 2015
The Countdown Begins To Major Offensive In Ukraine & Syria
from X22 Report: Episode 701
The Phaser | June 25, 2015
WAR CRIMES: Kiev’s Nazi-Junta Army Terror Bombs Donbass
by Dr. Stephen Lendman, via The Sleuth Journal: Kiev war crimes include using banned chemical weapons, cluster bombs and...
The Phaser | June 17, 2015
US & Russia Preparing for Nuclear War?
from Fabian4Liberty:
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
When Graham Met Texas – in Eastern Ukraine.
from Graham Phillips:
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
Low Energy Prices And Conflict Drive Shell Out Of Ukrainian Shale
by Andy Tully, Oilprice: Royal Dutch Shell has been considering ending its partnership with a Ukrainian energy company...
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
Stratfor Warns: S-300 in Ukraine’s Odessa Might Cause All Out War
from Fig Trees and Vineyards: Sputnik Ukraine’s plans to deploy S-300 air defense systems in the Odessa Region, right beside the...