All posts tagged "Tyler Durden"
The Phaser | April 9, 2015
“Another Crisis Is Coming”: Jamie Dimon Warns Of The Next Market Crash
by Tyler Durden, Zero Last October’s Treasury flash crash — which Gregg Berman will tell you wasn’t...
The Phaser | April 9, 2015
“Odious Debt” Has Finally Arrived: Greece To Write Off “Illegal” Debt
by Tyler Durden, Zero It was back in June 2011 when we first hinted that the time...
The Phaser | April 8, 2015
Vietnam Shuns US, Joins Russia-Led Economic Union
by Tyler Durden, Zero With many of the world’s nations drawing closer to the China-led AIIB, and...
The Phaser | April 7, 2015
Greek Minister Slams Troika’s “Unbelievable Prejudice” As EU Proclaims Tsipras’ Government “Cannot Survive”
by Tyler Durden, Zero The rhetoric, threats, and promises continue to increase as Greece, its international creditors...
The Phaser | April 6, 2015
This Is Why The US Just Lost Its Superpower Status According To Larry Summers
by Tyler Durden, Zero If Larry Summers were a country, he would have joined the Asian Infrastructure...
The Phaser | April 5, 2015
When Iran “Deal” Falls Apart, The Pentagon Is Ready: America’s Most Destructive “Bunker Buster” Gets An Upgrade
by Tyler Durden, Zero Two weeks ago we noticed something quite “persuasive”: ahead of the culmination of...
The Phaser | April 5, 2015
Californians Outraged As Oil Producers & Frackers Excluded From Emergency Water Restrictions
by Tyler Durden, Zero California’s oil and gas industry is estimated (with official data due to be...
The Phaser | April 1, 2015
2015 Or 1987? Computerized Trading & “A Crash Is Coming” Or Rates Mean “Bull’s Not Over”
by Tyler Durden, Zero 1987 Or 2015? “They are not real buyers and sellers… these are computers...
The Phaser | April 1, 2015
MOCKINGBIRDS: Reuters Fabricated Testimony Of A MH-17 Crash Witness
by Tyler Durden, Zero Even as the world’s attention is gripped by the latest airline crash tragedy,...
The Phaser | March 31, 2015
Lynn Tilton Charged By SEC For CLO Fraud, As Warned Here Nearly Two Years Ago
by Tyler Durden, Zero Back in September 2013 we wrote “Coming Soon To A Theater Near You:...