All posts tagged "Trump"
The Phaser | January 15, 2016
FIREWORKS: Trump Vs. Cruz on the Natural Born Citizen Issue
from YouFirstNews: 6th GOP Debate VIDEO: FULL 6th GOP Debate P1, Fox Business MAIN Republican Presidential 2nd Debate 1/14/2016 FULL...
The Phaser | January 13, 2016
Trump Ready To Take On The BLM & The Federal Land Grab?
from VisionLiberty: VIDEO; If Trump will speak truth about the BLM and Federal overreach, then he’s the real deal....
The Phaser | January 9, 2016
History Repeats Itself — Robert Morningstar
from Jeff Rense: VIDEO: Think this is the first time humanity has brought itself to the brink of extinction?...
The Phaser | January 4, 2016
Donald Trump on CNN: “Step By Step Then All The Sudden You Have NO 2nd AMENDMENT!”
from wwwMOXNEWScom: VIDEO: Donald Trump takes on the mockingbirds at CNN.
The Phaser | December 21, 2015
Hillary Slams Trump On Muslim Ban
from Brother Nathanael: VIDEO: Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt people on planet earth. Period. ~ The...
The Phaser | December 18, 2015
Elections, Cover-Ups & Deceptions — Jay Weidner
from Jeff Rense: VIDEO: Guest: Jay Weidner
The Phaser | December 18, 2015
We Want The Truth
from Pat Condell: VIDEO: … and we’ll take it where we find it. US confidence in protection from attack lowest...
The Phaser | December 16, 2015
Some Alternative Media Outlets Spreading Islamophobia — Kevin Barrett
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Why are some alt media outlets (like Infowars) spreading Islamophobia?
The Phaser | December 12, 2015
Dean Henderson On Trump, Bernie Sanders & How Bankers Rule The World
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Guest: Dean Henderson
The Phaser | December 11, 2015
Trump to “Make America Great Again”… by Abolishing Liberty?
from The Liberty Report, via RonPaul2008dotcom: VIDEO: Presidential candidates and pundits on TV appear to be in a race to...