All posts tagged "TPP"
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Big Pharma Revealed As Puppetmaster Behind TPP Secrecy
from Zero Hedge: It is no secret that US healthcare corporations have been among, if not the biggest...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Reddit and Twitter: Only YOU Can Stop TPP
from Washington’s Blog: The House of Representatives is voting this Friday to pass Fast Track authority for the...
The Phaser | June 8, 2015
G7 Protests: Much To Do About Nothing
from 21st Century Wire: Another ‘G Something’ Summit is happening, this time in a remote citadel in Bavaria,...
The Phaser | June 5, 2015
TPP: Fast Track Passes 1
from Bill Still:
The Phaser | June 5, 2015
Devil slips through the back door: Vanguard To Buy Mainland China Shares For $69 Billion EM Index Fund
[Editor’s note: In Benjamin Fulford’s recent news letter he laid out Vanguard and their inter-connectedness which stretches like...
The Phaser | June 5, 2015
10 Corporations That Got Away With Murder
by Jake Anderson, Activist Post: With TPP and its deranged Atlantic cousin, TTIP, both proceeding — and Citizens...
The Phaser | June 4, 2015
Trade in Services Agreement – WikiLeaks releases 17 secret documents- Exclude South Africa, Russia, China, India and Brazil
Hat Tip Mutely from Wikileaks: WikiLeaks releases today 17 secret documents from the ongoing TISA (Trade In Services...
The Phaser | June 4, 2015
WIKILEAKS UNCOVERS IMPORTANT CHAPTER OF THE TPP- (South Africa, Brazil, Russia, India, and China are not included… so far.)
Hat Tip Mutley. from AnonGalactic: WikiLeaks releases today the “Investment Chapter” from the secret negotiations of the TPP...
The Phaser | June 3, 2015
Ron Paul speaks his mind on TPP, foreign policy, and his son’s chances for the Republican nomination
from RT America: Ron Paul, former candidate for the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections and father of current...
The Phaser | June 3, 2015
TPP death pool: more pharmaceutical destruction is coming
by Jon Rappoport, Activist Post: (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.) “After any agreement...