All posts tagged "The Phaser"
The Phaser | December 31, 2015
Bubbles Popping On Wall Street This New Year’s Eve
from Peter Schiff: VIDEO: episode 127
The Phaser | December 29, 2015
Mockingbird CNN Anchor Poppy Harlow Passes Out On Air
from Raw Story: VIDEO: Published on Dec 28, 2015 via CNN
The Phaser | December 21, 2015
The Lunar Illusion, Space Magick, & The Bigger Conspiracy Puzzle
from TheHighersideChats: VIDEO: Truth seeker and investigator, Crrow777 returns to THC just a few weeks after his first appearance, to...
The Phaser | December 16, 2015
CHILDHOOD’S END: The Overlords: Analysis & Propaganda – Sympathy for the Devil
from FaceLikeTheSun: VIDEO: The modern incarnation of Arthur C. Clarke’s classic story, Childhood’s End, shows the evolution of mankind,...
The Phaser | December 7, 2015
Russia Bans GMOs, Wants To Be World’s Biggest CLEAN FOOD Exporter
from jsnip4: VIDEO: More truth coming from Putin. Russia is rapidly becoming the beacon of hope for a broken...
The Phaser | December 5, 2015
$1050 Gold, $13.93 Silver: Does It Look Like a Bottom??
from SilverDoctors: NOTE: The show starts at 1:30. VIDEO: Is a bottom finally in for both gold and silver??
The Phaser | December 3, 2015
Jesuit Pope Francis Says Christian Fundamentalism Is “A Sickness”
from DAHBOO777: VIDEO: Is a belief in the strict, literal interpretation of the Bible “a sickness”? Pope Francis appears to...
The Phaser | November 26, 2015
from FaceLikeTheSun: 5 WAYS TO BEAT THE SURVEILLANCE STATE: How You Can Beat Government And Hacker Surveillance VIDEO: Patrick...
The Phaser | November 20, 2015
The 9/11 Conspiracy Fully Uncovered — Rebekah Roth
from FutureMoneyTrends: 9/11 Conspiracy Fully Uncovered, Rebekah Roth, Author of Methodical Illusion & Methodical Deception VIDEO: Guest: Rebekah Roth
The Phaser | November 18, 2015
The Geopolitical Future of the PetroDollar & Gold — William Engdahl
from Jay Taylor Media: VIDEO: William Engdahl talks about how U.S. money printing has enabled the military to infringe on...