All posts tagged "Stephen Lendman"
The Phaser | May 29, 2015
Western Long Knives Out for FIFA’s Sepp Blatter? US Wants Russia’s Status as World Cup Host Rescinded,
by Stephen Lendman, Global Research: A separate article discussed US Justice Department indictments against 14 current and former FIFA officials....
The Phaser | May 23, 2015
Global March Against Monsanto Day
by Stephen Lendman, Global Monsanto is one of the world’s most hated companies for good reason. Institute...
The Phaser | May 19, 2015
Freedom Flotilla III Headed for Gaza
by Stephen Lendman, Activist Gaza remains illegally blockaded despite Israel’s pledge to ease it. Large parts of...
The Phaser | May 15, 2015
US Saudi Attempt to Block Humanitarian Aid to Yemen
by Stephen Lendman, Global The Blockade continues preventing enough vital humanitarian aid from reaching millions of needy Yemenis....
The Phaser | May 11, 2015
Obama’s Duplicitous V-Day Remarks
by Stephen Lendman, The Obama and Vladimir Putin are geopolitical polar opposites. Russia’s leader supports peace, stability and...
The Phaser | May 4, 2015
US Wars Kill Mostly Civilians
by Stephen Lendman, Post-9/11 alone, millions of civilians perished in US direct and proxy wars. They were...
The Phaser | April 21, 2015
Neocon Think Tank Proposes US Proxy Army to Control Syria
by Stephen Lendman, Global The Atlantic Council is a hawkish right-wing think tank. It was founded in...
The Phaser | April 18, 2015
Obama’s War on Donbass: The Devastating Toll After One Year of Conflict
by Stephen Lendman, Global US combat troops are working with Ukrainian forces. NATO planes arrive regularly carrying...
The Phaser | April 14, 2015
Obama’s Rape of Yemen
by Stephen Lendman, Global Obama is systematically raping Yemen – using Saudi-led terror-bombing to do his dirty...
The Phaser | March 20, 2015
Kiev Rejects Minsk Mandated Donbass Self-Rule
by Stephen Lendman, via Global Minsk II terms Kiev agreed to mandated parliamentary legislation affording Donbass “special regime”...