All posts tagged "Politics"
The Phaser | June 6, 2015
FIFA Scandal Punches Hole in Our Daily Fantasies
by Ulson Gunnar, NEO: Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) appears to most as yet another monolithic institution...
The Phaser | June 6, 2015
Forget Sports: Geopolitics is Behind the FIFA Scandal As the War Against Russia Enters a New Front
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research: There is no question that there is a lot of corruption inside the...
The Phaser | June 4, 2015
CIA Front “Al Jazeera” in Epic “Iran Fail”
Al-Jazeera Watery Misinformation Campaign on Iran Presents Gaff of the Century from Veterans Today: TEHRAN (FNA)- Al-Jazeera America...
The Phaser | June 4, 2015
‘FIFA should remove ‘I’ and insert ‘A’ for American’
from RT: Trying to take control of FIFA, the US is showing it wants to run the entire...
The Phaser | June 4, 2015
Veterans Today Ukraine debacle geopolitical analysis confirmed
‘Pariah’ No More: Washington Wants Moscow to Be Cooperative Partner by Jim Dean, Veterans Today: ‘Pariah’ No More:...
The Phaser | June 4, 2015
Washington Politicizes Football. America Intends to Prevent Russia from Hosting the 2018 FIFA World Cup
[Editor’s note: If you do the figures and the demographics on population ratios, Roberts suggestion would mean that...
The Phaser | June 3, 2015
Ron Paul speaks his mind on TPP, foreign policy, and his son’s chances for the Republican nomination
from RT America: Ron Paul, former candidate for the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections and father of current...
The Phaser | June 3, 2015
My Prediction: Bernie Sanders Will Win the White House
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s Blog: On May 12th, I presented my analysis of the polling as of that...
The Phaser | June 1, 2015
‘Human Rights’ and Soft Power in Russia
by Eric Draitser , NEO: The news that Lyudmila Alekseyeva, head of the Russian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) the Moscow-Helsinki...
The Phaser | June 1, 2015
Saakashvili attempts a Napoleon in Odessa
by Bryan MacDonald, RT: Petro Poroshenko’s decision to appoint Georgia’s disgraced former President as Governor of the Odessa...