All posts tagged "Police State"
The Phaser | May 3, 2015
Baltimore Protests: Two Video Prove How the US Media Twists the Facts
by Matt Agorist, Global Baltimore, MD — Just minutes after the police state curfew went into effect in...
The Phaser | May 2, 2015
Is the Federal Government Ready for War Against the American People?
“Are We Being Psychologically Conditioned to Accept Martial Law in America? by Joachim Hagopian ,Veterans Prior to even...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
It’s Official: Police Were Ordered to Stand Down and Let the Baltimore Riots Rage Out of Control
by Michael Snyder, Global We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
Anderson Cooper Confronted On CIA Media Connections
from WeAreChange: In this video Luke Rudkowski got a chance to talk to Anderson Cooper of CNN about...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
Who’s Crazy Now? American Psychological Association Supported Torture “At Every Critical Juncture”
Like Nazi and Soviet Psychologists, American Psychologists Aided Abuse from Washington’s While most psychologists are good people,...
The Phaser | April 30, 2015
CIA Torture and Rendition
By The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Global The Bureau and The Rendition Project publish first quarterly report...
The Phaser | April 30, 2015
Baltimore Riots: A Product Of The Soros Machine
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist While Baltimore burns, the city has proven itself to be yet another staging...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
US Citizens Illegally Detained at “Internal Border Checkpoint”
from Truthstreammedia, via SGT We live in such a ridiculous, tyrannical, totalitarian police state. After visiting Big...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
3 NSA Whistle-Blowers Say U.S. Is ALREADY a Police State … Other Government Officials Agree
from Washington’s First Bill Binney – the high-level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance...
The Phaser | April 26, 2015
Perspective on Sacrifice: The US Has Hit Bottom
by Gordon Duff, Veterans America has a military today that has recently lost two wars, a military...