All posts tagged "#PizzaGate"
The Phaser | December 19, 2017
The Downfall Of L.A. Reid – The Darkside Of The Music Industry
from The Vigilant One: The Downfall Of L.A. Reid – The Darkside Of The Music Industry VIDEO: Speaker: Joe...
The Phaser | December 16, 2017
John Paul Getty: BUNKER BUILDER [Pedogate, The Royals & Child Trafficking]
from TruthCatRadio: John Paul Getty: BUNKER BUILDER TCR#627 STEVEN D KELLEY #74 DEC 14 2017 VIDEO: The Steven D...
The Phaser | December 12, 2017
WOW: Bill Clinton’s Disturbing Connection to Kevin Spacey & Pedos
from Bright Insight: Just Wow. Bill Clinton’s Disturbing Connection to Kevin Spacey Underage Claims & Allegations VIDEO: If you...
The Phaser | December 11, 2017
FULFORD: US Civil War Intensifies w/ Mass Arrests in Washington, DC
from Benjamin Fulford, via ufoswlg: Benjamin Fulford: December 11, 2017: US Civil War Intensifies w/ Mass Arrests in Washington, DC...
The Phaser | December 11, 2017
Hollywood PEDOGATE: The Downfall Of Bryan Singer
from The Vigilant One: Hollywood PEDOGATE: The Downfall Of Bryan Singer VIDEO: Speakers: Corey Feldman + Bill Schnoebelen
The Phaser | December 9, 2017
MUST WATCH: BBC Scotland Investigates 2017 Humans for Sale
from BBC, via Jan Zigmund: BBC Scotland Investigates 2017 Humans for Sale VIDEO:
The Phaser | December 9, 2017
WATCH!! #PEDOGATE Evidence: Child Sex Trafficking Rings & How they Work
from Sarah Westall: Evidence: Child Sex Trafficking Rings & How they Work (Caylee Anthony, HaLeigh Cummings cases) VIDEO: Award...
The Phaser | December 2, 2017
from SGTreport: SOMETHING STRANGE IS HAPPENING TO HILLARY, JOHN & JOE VIDEO: Call it the shining light of truth...
The Phaser | November 28, 2017
MUST HEAR!!! — PEDOPHILIA & EMPIRE: Satan, Sodomy & The Deep State
from Project Camelot: PEDOPHILIA & EMPIRE: Satan, Sodomy & The Deep State — JOACHIM HAGOPIAN VIDEO: PEDOPHILIA & EMPIRE...
The Phaser | November 25, 2017
Actors Expose the Illuminati in Hollywood! (2017-2018)
from Jason A: Actors Expose the Illuminati in Hollywood! (2017-2018) VIDEO: HOLLYWOOD DOESN’T WANT THIS VIDEO SEEN… Shocking Claims...