All posts tagged "Mossad"
The Phaser | October 13, 2015
Do 13 Families Rule The World?
from John Doe: VIDEO: Could it be true that just 13 families working together control the entire world? We...
The Phaser | October 12, 2015
NWO: Secret Societies & The Matrix of Control
from UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network: THE NEW WORLD ORDER – A 6000 Year History VIDEO: Presenting a detailed...
The Phaser | October 10, 2015
MONEY MASTERS: The Rothschild Family Secrets EXPOSED
from Bill Still’s ‘The Money Masters’, via † WAKE UP ‡: VIDEO: This important segment from the documentary ‘The...
The Phaser | October 7, 2015
from VIDEO: This video was released by the SGT Report You Tube channel on June 8, 2010 after...
The Phaser | October 6, 2015
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo – A SGT Report Micro-Doc
from VIDEO: From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy...
The Phaser | October 2, 2015
Rothschild Zionism: They Dare Not Speak Its Name — David Icke
from Dismantle The Matrix: VIDEO: British author and lecturer David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55...
The Phaser | October 2, 2015
Hate Monger Netanyahu Gives Death Stare To UN Members
from Spiro: VIDEO: Netanyahu and Israel have lost all respect and credibility. The stage is being set… unfolding before your...
The Phaser | September 28, 2015
New 9/11 Photos ‘Prove WTC Buildings EXPLODED From INSIDE’
from RT: VIDEO: New picture releases are shedding light on September 11th, some say they prove that the assault...
The Phaser | September 27, 2015
A CALL TO ARMS – We Need To Take Our Planet Back
from Peekay22: VIDEO: The time has come for humanity to rise… we cannot wait any longer… we need to get...
The Phaser | September 26, 2015
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel
from TheRealNews: VIDEO: Miko Peled is from a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family and was born in Jerusalem....