All posts tagged "media"
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
The Social Terrorism of the Mainstream Media
from thecrowhouse: VIDEO: Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – Season 5 – Episode 04
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
Mockingbird Media: Snowden, Putin, Greece — It’s All The Same Story!
” In short, the propaganda we should be worried about is not Russia’s, it’s our own. And it...
The Phaser | June 6, 2015
Network: the last great film about media
by Jon Rappoport, Activist Post: Diana the Huntress, Queen of Television News “You have meddled with the primal...
The Phaser | June 2, 2015
The Fox Political Cult
by James Hoover, Global Research: Probably the most infamous cases of mass mind control involves religious cults, with the...
The Phaser | May 7, 2015
How the Media Misrepresent ‘Fast Track,’ TPP, & TTIP
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s Both conservative and liberal ‘news’ media misrepresent U.S. President Barack Obama’s proposed international...
The Phaser | May 3, 2015
Baltimore Protests: Two Video Prove How the US Media Twists the Facts
by Matt Agorist, Global Baltimore, MD — Just minutes after the police state curfew went into effect in...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Ukraine: Truth Has Been Murdered
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global The Obama regime and its neocon monsters and European vassals have...
The Phaser | April 27, 2015
MH17: How the Media Failed the Victims and the Families
by James ONeill, In examining the evidence relating to the shooting down of Flight MH17 over the...
The Phaser | April 21, 2015
Chomsky: “A Media Which Doesn’t Repeat US Propaganda? Intolerable!”
from RT & Zero Few individuals polarize the public with their opinions, statements and mere presence, like...
The Phaser | April 20, 2015
How Trustworthy Are U.S. & Western ‘News’ Media?
by Eriz Zuesse, Washington’s During the days of the Soviet Union, and in all dictatorial countries, the...