All posts tagged "Jews"
The Phaser | September 27, 2015
A CALL TO ARMS – We Need To Take Our Planet Back
from Peekay22: VIDEO: The time has come for humanity to rise… we cannot wait any longer… we need to get...
The Phaser | September 15, 2015
Shhh… Don’t You DARE Blame the Jews or Israel For ANYTHING!!
Escondido, CA City Worker John Friend Loses His Job Because He Dares To Question The Israeli Role in...
The Phaser | September 14, 2015
The United States Under Siege
from WeAreONEbigFamily: VIDEO: Are the jesuits behind all of it? Or is the just a convenient explanation that omits...
The Phaser | September 4, 2015
TOTAL ONSLAUGHT: The Secret Behind Secret Societies — Walter Veith
from Amazing Discoveries: VIDEO:… Much has been written on secret societies and there are numerous speculations as to...
The Phaser | August 20, 2015
The Church In Putin’s Eyes
from Brother Nathanael: VIDEO: Brother Nathanael, a former Jew turned Christian brings you the truth as he sees it.
The Phaser | May 18, 2015
Israel, the Jews and Zionism.
by Katherine Frisk: In a recent article, “Judaism is not Zionism” Ariadna Theokopoulos expounds on how “Progressive Jews”...
The Phaser | April 12, 2015
The Holy Business: End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World
by Daniel Spaulding, 21st Century Politics and religion all too often assume odd and distorted forms in America....
The Phaser | April 7, 2015
Jewish Billionaire Finances Ukraine’s Aydar SS Nazi Troops
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s The hyper-nationalist Ukrainian-Israeli billionaire Ihor Kolomoysky, a friend of the Obama White House and...