All posts tagged "Jason A"
The Phaser | May 29, 2016
EVERY American Needs To See This Video: AmeriKa & The NEW WORLD ORDER
from Jason A: VIDEO: A Look at Events from the Past Week: Prophecy in the News Something Strange is...
The Phaser | May 9, 2016
Something Prophetic is Going on Worldwide! (2016-2017 Events)
from Jason A: VIDEO: THE PAST WEEK the signs are everywhere prophetic events are happening worldwide
The Phaser | May 2, 2016
UPDATE: Mark of the Beast & Strange Events Happening Worldwide (2016-2017)
from Jason A: VIDEO: SHOCKING NEWS REPORTS from the past week are we living in the end times something strange...
The Phaser | April 18, 2016
The World is Changing: This Video is PROOF! (2016-2017)
from Jason A: VIDEO: More loud booms, and most always, unexplained. Our world is changing. Prepare.
The Phaser | April 4, 2016
“Demons” on Camera: Strange Attacks Happening Worldwide (2016)
from Jason A: VIDEO: WHAT IS GOING ON? strange attacks, demon possession & world news bible prophecy
The Phaser | March 28, 2016
Watch This and KNOW Something Strange is Going On!
from Jason A: VIDEO: SHOCKING TRUTH – prophetic events the past week…
The Phaser | March 21, 2016
Shocking Events Coming in 2017…
from Jason A: VIDEO: PROPHETIC EVENTS from the past week are you ready end times new world order bible prophecy...
The Phaser | March 13, 2016
The World in 2017: Video They DON’T Want You To See…
from Jason A: VIDEO: A VIDEO YOU NEED TO SEE prophecy happening around the world end times new world order...
The Phaser | February 15, 2016
SHOCKING Events Happening Worldwide (2016-2017)
from Jason A: VIDEO: THIS VIDEO shows strange events from this past week…Something big is happening prophecy has begun watch...
The Phaser | February 9, 2016
SHOCKING Proof We Are Living in Strange Times (2016-2017 EVENTS)
from Jason A: VIDEO: SHOCKING EVENTS point to something big happening in the near future? You have to see this!...