All posts tagged "ISIS"
The Phaser | June 1, 2015
PressTV (6-1-15) Scott Bennett Exposes ISIS Funding!
from Truth Warriors: Scott Bennett discovered that ISIS funding is tied to the Gulf States, Israel and the US....
The Phaser | May 28, 2015
To beat ISIS, kick out US-led coalition
by Sharmine Narwani, RT: It’s been a bad time for foes of ISIS. Islamic State scored a neat...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Tsarnev Sentenced to Death: One To Be Executed While Others Get Weapons and Training
“The US government is going to execute one man who has been accused of a horrific act of terrorism,...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
Educate Yourself: Raytheon & Boeing supply ISIS!
from SI | Documentary on how US supplies ISIS militants with deadly modern weaponry, courtesy of Raytheon
The Phaser | May 25, 2015
Breaking: The Delta “Deception” Raid On Syria
End Times Lunatic Genius, US General, Spirited Out of Syria by Gordon Duff, Veterans Confirmed reports tell...
The Phaser | May 23, 2015
Fear Porn at the BBC (ISIS, Syria and Ramadi )
No longer simply “managed news” by Ian Greenhalgh, Veterans I happened to catch a snippet of the...
The Phaser | May 20, 2015
Evil Games: The Phony War in Iraq and Syria
by Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini and Nouri al Maliki (former President of Iraq), Veterans Last...
The Phaser | May 18, 2015
Questions Linger as US Special Ops Claims Credit for Killing Abu Sayyaf
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist With its latest phony narrative used to justify US military action inside Syria,...
The Phaser | May 17, 2015
The War in Syria Today
Update 6-Army controls hills overlooking Palmyra city, kills many terrorists in other areas from Veterans Provinces,...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Breaking: US Troops Inside Syria, Raid Kills ISIS Moneyman
Are American heroes fighting the right war for the first time in decades? by Gordon Duff, Veterans ...