All posts tagged "IBM"
The Phaser | April 25, 2017
WATSON: The First A.I. to Police Financial Institutions
from FaceLikeTheSun: WATSON: The First A.I. to Police Financial Institutions VIDEO: Watson becomes first AI to keep an eye...
The Phaser | July 21, 2016
AGENDA 2030 & The ‘Great Work’ of the Illuminati’s Liberal Imperium
from Jay D: VIDEO: The ‘Great Work’ of the Illuminati’s Liberal Imperium – Jay Dyer A brief history of...
The Phaser | February 24, 2016
IBM, WATSON, NAZI’S and the END TIMES: Prophetic Implications
from FaceLikeTheSun: VIDEO: Recent commercials for IBM’s new artificial intelligence system called Watson displayed humans as pawns for the coming...
The Phaser | November 11, 2015
Illuminati Mark Of Beast & Control Grid Exposed!! 2015
from FisherOfMen: VIDEO: For those of us who will refuse the mark of the beast, Christian or not, learn to...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
‘Smart Cities’ are the Next Phase in the 21st Century Surveillance Grid
by Steven MacMillan, NEO: The century of ‘big data’ will be the century of unprecedented surveillance. The dream...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Just bet the history books will call HER Ada-m.
from Jim’s Rant: In theory, computer languages came into being after WWII. The first generally accepted language was...
The Phaser | March 28, 2015
Secret History: The U.S. Supported and Inspired the Nazis
from Washington’s Unless We Learn Our History, We’re Doomed to Repeat It Preface: I am a patriotic...