All posts tagged "genocide"
The Phaser | December 26, 2015
Fukushima Merry Christmas Tepco Dec 25th
from BeautifulGirlByDana: VIDEO: Find Dana Durnford TheNuclearProctologist live 10:30 am 6 days a week here on . .These Fukushima videos...
The Phaser | December 24, 2015
HAARP, MOBILE PHONES & CERN – Leuren Morret & Laurens Battis
from MindToMind: VIDEO: This is a small part of the original video: Moret & Battis: EMF War From Nazi Germany...
The Phaser | December 19, 2015
Our Dying Biosphere, Fukushima & Global Extinction
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: Dane Wigington updates us on the latest Geoengineering and environmental collapse news.
The Phaser | December 16, 2015
Fukushima: If Unit 4 Goes… “Bye Bye Japan & Evacuate West Coast U.S.”
from BeautifulGirlByDana, via MsMilkytheclown1: VIDEO: I recovered another brilliant video by BeautifulGirlByDana most likely from May 20, 2015 where Dana analyzes...
The Phaser | December 14, 2015
Fukushima Means Never Eating Pacific Ocean Seafood
from BeautifulGirlByDana: VIDEO: It might seem incredible to say something like this but here is the proof . Find Dana...
The Phaser | December 13, 2015
Greg Palast – The Lies & Fraud of Fukushima and Nuclear Plants
from GregPalastOffice: VIDEO: “A nuclear plant is built with steel and cement and lies and fraud – and that’s the...
The Phaser | December 13, 2015
Fukushima Unit 4 Fuel Pool Media Fable Falling Apart
from BeautifulGirlByDana: VIDEO: The Fukushima story is unfolding in a very bad way for humanity. Dana explains.
The Phaser | December 6, 2015
Fukushima: How Japan Is At War With Canadians
from BeautifulGirlByDana: Note: Show gets rolling at 5:00 or so. VIDEO: Please support mine and yours and your loved ones...
The Phaser | December 2, 2015
from UCYTV: VIDEO: Host Lonnie Clark interviews Dana Durnford about the reality of the ongoing Fukushima nightmare.
The Phaser | November 28, 2015
Today’s Paradigm Will End Like a Tornado in the Night
from Dane Wigington: Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 28, 2015 ( ) VIDEO: Dane Wigington breaks down...