All posts tagged "featured"
The Phaser | May 17, 2015
The Motherland Calls: An OPEN THREAD for the prospective traveler
from The Dear friend, Since this is my sandbox and I can post anything I want here,...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Resurrecting Osama: New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
from The Corbett Report: STORY #1: Seymour Hersh Says Official US Account of Osama’s Death is Full of...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Just bet the history books will call HER Ada-m.
from Jim’s Rant: In theory, computer languages came into being after WWII. The first generally accepted language was...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
The Democratic Party Would Triangulate Its Own Mother
by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Barack Obama made headlines this week by taking on Sen. Elizabeth Warren in...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
Ron Paul: Citizens losing liberties because of US involvement in foreign wars
from RT: In the US, a bill to end the National Security Agency’s mass collection of phone records...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
Operation Gladio: The Untold Story of the Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia
Review of Paul L. Williams Book from Global by Arif Jamal After the Second World War ended,...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
76% of Greeks do not trust Western main stream media coverage on Ukraine [Poll]
from The survey was carried out from March 20 to April 9, 2015 and targeted more than...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
The F#cking Criminal Bankers and Military Industrial Complex….!
by Katherine Frisk: Have we really come very far in 2,000 years? Looks to me like nothing has...
The Phaser | May 14, 2015
Follow up on: The Imam will point to him and say: “This is the True Messiah!”
by Katherine Frisk, The Since writing: The Imam will point to him and say: “This is the...
The Phaser | May 13, 2015
Webster Tarpley on Rense radio (5-6-2015) Donetsk People’s Republic
from Webster Tarpley: