All posts tagged "FBI corruption"
The Phaser | July 8, 2016
3 NEW CLINTON SCANDALS: Lying Under Oath, Clinton Foundation & State Dept Email Investigation
from H. A. Goodman; VIDEO: My name is H. A. Goodman and I’m an author, columnist, and journalist Congress...
The Phaser | July 7, 2016
Justice Vs. “Just Us”: Of Course the FBI Let Hillary off the Hook
from TRUTHstreammedia; VIDEO: The only thing that surprises me is that anyone is surprised by this.
The Phaser | July 6, 2016
“V”: The FBI Let’s Lying Sack of Crap Clinton Off the Hook
from ROGUE MONEY; “V”: The FBI Let’s Lying Sack of Crap Clinton Off the Hook VIDEO: V runs down the...
The Phaser | March 1, 2016
FBI & BLM Agents Linked To Corruption, Cover Ups & Frame Ups
from Spiro: VIDEO: Special Agent in Charge Bretzing’s link to this case is troubling in light of the accusations of...