All posts tagged "False Flag"
The Phaser | September 10, 2015
9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film)
from Press For Truth: VIDEO: On the tenth anniversary of the Attacks of September 11th, 2001, expert witnesses gathered at...
The Phaser | September 10, 2015
9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out —
from ae911truth: VIDEO: This is the 1-hour version of our 1 ½ hour groundbreaking documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts...
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
5 Shocking Facts About 9/11
from Bible Flock Box 2: VIDEO: On September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers in New York City along with the...
The Phaser | September 8, 2015
“The Lie” – A 9/11 Fairy Tale
from pocketsofthefuture: VIDEO: More of a nightmare than a fairy tale.
The Phaser | September 8, 2015
The 9/11 False Flag: What Do We KNOW Now?
from Eugen Marian Popescu: VIDEO: Flashback to an important presentation about 9/11: Ten years later, what do we know...
The Phaser | September 7, 2015
The Virginia Shooting UNCLOAKED — Sofia Smallstorm
from SGT Report: VIDEO: This is an excerpt from my new interview with researcher and film maker Sofia Smallstorm....
The Phaser | September 6, 2015
THE ISRAELI CONNECTION TO 9/11 — Christopher Bollyn
from DJsNorthWest: VIDEO: This is a MUST HEAR interview flashback. The Covert Report W/ Susan Lindauer – 05-31-2014, with...
The Phaser | September 6, 2015
from FaceLikeTheSun: VIDEO: There are a lot of rumors around what will happen in September and October of 2015. A...
The Phaser | September 6, 2015
Virginia TV Shooting Slow Motion Shows No Bullet Casings!!
from ron johnson: VIDEO: This slow motion recount clearly shows that NO BULLET CASINGS eject from the “weapon.” One must...
The Phaser | September 6, 2015
UK Government Uses Image of Dead Child To Justify MORE WAR!
from TruthTube451: VIDEO: The UK and US governments created and actively back ISIS, so it’s the UK and US...