All posts tagged "Fake News"
The Phaser | February 13, 2018
What the Hell is Going On At Newsweek?
from corbettreport: What the Hell is Going On At Newsweek? VIDEO: SHOW NOTES: Wracked by allegations of ad...
The Phaser | December 30, 2017
The Cabal Lies, the Cabal Dies
from roypotterqa: The Cabal Lies, the Cabal Dies VIDEO: While uploading this video, info on the Weiner Laptop broke....
The Phaser | December 13, 2017
America is Haunted
from Truthstream Media: America is Haunted VIDEO: Quick rambling update… sorry we’ve been so quiet lately, but we’ve been...
The Phaser | November 20, 2017
Daily Rabbit Hole #32 | MK ULTRA | ElsaGate A.I. | Irish Priest
from The Outer Light: Daily Rabbit Hole #32 | MK ULTRA | ElsaGate AI | Irish Priest VIDEO:
The Phaser | September 6, 2017
Houston Proves the MSM Narrative About Our ‘Divided’ Nation Is a LIE
from Hard Bastard: Houston Proves Everything the MSM Says About Our ‘Divided’ Country Is a Lie VIDEO:
The Phaser | August 29, 2017
CONFIRMED: Ronald Bernard is Alive (& Other Updates)
from SGTreport: CONFIRMED: Ronald Bernard is Alive (& Other Updates) VIDEO: There is a fake news article making the...
The Phaser | August 19, 2017
Why Were The Police Held Back In Charlottesville?
from Hard Bastard: Why Were The Police Held Back In Charlottesville? VIDEO: RELATED: Charlottesville False Flag Theory- Something...
The Phaser | August 13, 2017
As Russia Narrative Collapses, Media Turns On Seth Rich
from Hard Bastard: Its Happening: As Walls On Russia Narrative Close In, Media Turns On Seth Rich VIDEO:
The Phaser | August 9, 2017
It’s Official: This Is Straight out of Orwell’s 1984…
from Truthstream Media: It’s Official: This Is Straight out of Orwell’s 1984… VIDEO: You can’t get a more literal...
The Phaser | July 23, 2017
DISTRUST Going Mainstream: #FlatEarth Mention on ESPNLA
from FaceLikeTheSun: Question: Is DISTRUST Going Mainstream Good or Bad? #FlatEarth Mention on ESPNLA VIDEO: Former NFL player Marcellus...