All posts tagged "DHS"
The Phaser | October 3, 2015
from Professor Doom1: VIDEO: Important info to share. Sorry in advance for speeding through the content but so much to...
The Phaser | September 24, 2015
WARNING: Governmental Agencies Try To Infiltrate Independent Media
from Spiro: Governmental Agencies Infiltrate Independent Media To Alter Perception of Reality VIDEO: Cass Sunstein is the propaganda Czar...
The Phaser | September 23, 2015
New Information Surfaces On Sandy Hook — Wolfgang Halbig
from Pete Santilli Show: NOTE: The show gets VERY interesting at the 40:40 mark when some new information about...
The Phaser | September 22, 2015
2005 Real ID: US Citizens Will Need A Passport To Fly Domestically
from X22Report: The 2005 Real ID Act Requires US Citizens To Obtain A Passport To Fly Domestically VIDEO: Episode 771b –...
The Phaser | September 2, 2015
US Economy in Free Fall As DHS Preps For “Cyber Pearl Harbor”
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 755b
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
Are ISIS Led, El Salvadorian Gangs in Beta Test For US Invasion?
from NorthWestLibertyNews: VIDEO: Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show and James White of The Liberty Brothers Radio...
The Phaser | July 30, 2015
UPDATE: H.R. 2899 Bill for Dealing with American “Extremists”
from jsnip4: Digging into the latest Nazi-esque, overtly tyrannical Bill from the US Congress, as reported by SGT...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
FALSE FLAG ALERT: FEDS Warn of “Perfect Storm” on July 4th
from Zen Gardner: They’re drooling over this one. All the scenarios they’ve been working on converge very neatly...
The Phaser | July 3, 2015
MUST HEAR: Stewart Rhodes At NY Oath Keepers Awards Dinner
from Mert Melfa: FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF OATH KEEPERS. at First Annual Oath Keepers Awards Dinner: Albany, NY...
The Phaser | May 31, 2015
Towards a Militarized Police State in America? Explosive New Revelations over “Jade Helm 15 Exercise” and Potential False Flags
by Joachim Hagopian, Global Research: A growing segment of the American population is waking up to the implications...