All posts tagged "Charles Hugh Smith"
The Phaser | March 25, 2017
Fiat currencies & the 4th industrial digital revolution
from Silver The Antidote: Charles Hugh Smith, developments of Our society & currencies the 4th industrial digital revolution VIDEO:...
The Phaser | June 9, 2015
If your BS detector isn’t shrieking, it’s broken. The entire American political system is a con, a sleazy mix of legalized bribes, auctioning off of favors, revolving doors between government agencies and the corporations…
by Charles Hugh-Smith, Investment Watch: Wishing it was true doesn’t make it true–it makes you a chump who...
The Phaser | May 26, 2015
The Case for Nationalizing Monsanto
by Charles Hugh Smith, Washington’s Ridding the world of Monsanto via a state buy-out would be a...
The Phaser | April 27, 2015
Is This A Blow-Off Top? Four Ways To Tell
by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, Zero Those who lived through the last two speculative blow-off tops...
The Phaser | April 26, 2015
Our Financial Future: Infinite Greed Meets a Funny Thing Called Karma
by Charles Hugh Smith, Washington’s All those angered by the mere question of the viability of this...
The Phaser | April 25, 2015
The Rehypothecation of Gold, and Why It Matters
by Charles Hugh Smith, Washington’s Claiming to own X quantity of gold is one thing, and reporting how...
The Phaser | March 25, 2015
Orwell & Kafka Do America: How The Government Steals Your Money – “Legally,” Of Course
by Charles Hugh -Smith via of Two Minds blog, Zero Due process and rule of law have...
The Phaser | March 19, 2015
When It Becomes Serious, First They Lie–When That Fails, They Arrest You
by Charles Hugh Smith, via Washington’s When lying is no longer enough to gain compliance, then the...