All posts tagged "cancer"
The Phaser | October 12, 2015
Resonance Beings of Frequency (the Documentary)
from The Luminary: VIDEO: Hidden Knowledge: the frequency of humans, animals, and our planet. The hidden and harmful effects of...
The Phaser | September 27, 2015
American Fukushima? Nuclear Northwest Fallout Explained
from nutzforart: VIDEO: No Nukes NW can be found on Facebook. Nuke Info Project- NorthWest is Louisa’s organization that works...
The Phaser | September 20, 2015
The Fukushima Nightmare, Pacific Radiation & Risky Nuclear Power
from George Knapp Radio: VIDEO: – Coast to Coast AM – George Knapp Radio:: July 26, 2015 In the...
The Phaser | September 16, 2015
WAKE UP: Fukushima Pacific Genocide IS THE MAIN EVENT
from UCYTV: NOTE: The show begins at 2:00. VIDEO: Tepco has now begin their “legal” dumps of deadly radiated...
The Phaser | September 10, 2015
Fukushima: Wreaking HAVOC & Radiation HELL on Pacific & World
from MsMilkytheclown1: VIDEO: Jeff Rense with Yoichi Shimatsu and Dr Richard Wilcox 45 min interview regarding the cover up at...
The Phaser | September 1, 2015
False Flag & Fukushima Update: August 2015 – Yoichi Shimatsu
from Rense, via RaisingKundalini2: VIDEO: A must listen interview with Yoichi Shimatsu on The Jeff Rense Show, August 31, 2015.
The Phaser | August 12, 2015
Some ‘Mandatory’ Vaccines Are EXTREMELY Dangerous
from PressResetEarth: VIDEO: Rhode Island to mandate HPV vaccine for all 7th graders –… Fraud at the CDC uncovered,...
The Phaser | August 12, 2015
from BPEarthWatch: TRILLIONS of becquerels of Radiation Leaking into Pacific VIDEO: “Trillions of becquerels of radioactive material still flowing into...
The Phaser | August 7, 2015
Eugenics & the Molecule That Kills Our Natural Cancer Defense
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: The same old story, big pharma, vaccines & eugenics…. the enemies of...
The Phaser | July 20, 2015
☢ Lessons of Chernobyl ☢ The Never-Ending Fukushima Nightmare
from FUKUSHIMA 2015: Fukushima (福島市 Fukushima-shi?, ) is the capital city of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. It is located...