All posts tagged "Americans"
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Americans “Looted” Nazi Gold – Reminder of Gold’s Role in Times of Crisis
by Mark O’Byrne, Gold Core: – Documents uncovered in Washington show American’s seized Nazi gold in last days...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Friday Vote: Congress Rushing the TPP Through Even Though They Know Americans Will Lose Jobs
by Melissa Dykes, Activist Post: There’s nothing free about free trade. The only reason Congress is holding out...
The Phaser | May 31, 2015
NSA Forced to Stop Spying on Americans by Monday
by Claire Bernish, Activist Post: After all the outrage and controversy since Edward Snowden made the program known to...
The Phaser | May 20, 2015
Media Sources: 57% of British seek non-MSM coverage
from RT: A new poll ordered by the Sputnik news agency has revealed that 60 percent of Europeans...
The Phaser | May 10, 2015
Americans Have Less National Pride than Yemenis, Mexicans, Libyans, Rwandans, Ghanaians, Zimbabweans, Pakistanis, Nigerians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Moroccans, Kazakhstanis, Tunisians, Qataris … and More than a Dozen Others
from Washington’s Americans’ pride in our country is legendary … or at least it used to be....
The Phaser | March 24, 2015
How Much Time Do Americans Spend Plugged Into The Matrix Every Day?
by Michael Snyder, Activist The average American spends more than 10 hours a day using an electronic...
The Phaser | March 15, 2015
More And More Americans Look to Protect Their Wealth Offshore
by Frank Suess, via Zero US Losing its Way A wise and frugal government, which shall...