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Spiritual Warfare
The Phaser | June 17, 2016END TIME EVENTS HAPPENING NOW — Part 1
from BPEarthWatch: Two Hour Interview with Paul Begley. VIDEO: END TIME EVENTS HAPPENING NOW – PART 1 End...
The Phaser | June 17, 2016Gold Silver Bitcoin, Oh My!
from jsnip4: VIDEO: The flow of Bitcoin to China is building, and once again the web bot predictions are...
The Phaser | June 17, 2016Do Americans Really “Favor Strickter Gun Laws”?
from pocketsofthefuture: Questionable Gun Poll Reveals Majority of Americans Favor Strickter Gun Laws VIDEO: Another worthless poll from Huff...
False Flag
The Phaser | June 17, 2016DHS Whistleblower Examines the Orlando Massacre
from TRUNEWS: VIDEO: TRUNEWS, DHS Whistleblower Examines the Orlando Massacre
The Phaser | June 17, 2016Shocking Intel Dump
from William Mount; VIDEO: Rothschilds in hiding? Clinton Foundation missing BILLIONS and a Shocking Intel Dump coming.
The Phaser | June 17, 2016JP Morgan Knew About The Madoff Ponzi Scheme From Beginning?
from WallStForMainSt: VIDEO: Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed first time guest, lawyer & Co-Author of JPMadoff:...
The Phaser | June 17, 2016NASA Speechless! ENORMOUS Mystery Space Object Outshines Galaxy!
from secureteam10: VIDEO: NASA Speechless! ENORMOUS Mystery Space Object Outshines Galaxy!
False Flag
The Phaser | June 17, 2016BOMBSHELL: Orlando Shooting Psyop – NEW Medical Examiner, Also An Actor
from Black Rabbit; VIDEO: This video details Norman Casiano bogus account, and recently appointed Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua Stephany’s...
False Flag
The Phaser | June 17, 2016Craigslist Ad Threatens Orlando-Style Massacre In San Diego, Role Players Needed
from DAHBOO77; VIDEO: Police are investigating an online threat of violence to San Diego’s LGBT community that read: “You’re next.”...
Spiritual Warfare
The Phaser | June 17, 2016What Did You Do With This Talent ?
from theJonathanKleck: What did you do with this talent ? VIDEO: It’s time to WARN EVERYBODY!!!!The Riddle of Ages...
The Phaser | June 17, 2016U.S. Continues Pushing For War w/ Russia. Huge Mistake.
from Giza Death Star Community: VIDEO: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE NEFARIUM JUNE 16 2016 THe Russians are shooting...
The Phaser | June 17, 2016Discovering the Road to Roota
from RoadtoRoota; VIDEO: Bix Weir walks you through how The Road to Roota Theory was discovered and what it means....
Spiritual Warfare
The Phaser | June 16, 2016BIZARRE “Demonic Attacks” Increasing WORLDWIDE!
from TheScariestMovieEver; VIDEO: BIZARRE “Demonic Attacks” Increasing WORLDWIDE! (2016)
The Phaser | June 16, 2016Big Banks • Corruption • Opium Wars • HSBC Whistleblower John Cruz Pul
from Richard Grove’s The Deep End, via 911truthncDotOrg: Big Banks • Corruption • Opium Wars • HSBC Whistleblower John...
The Phaser | June 16, 2016TOKYO HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER finds 33,0000 becqueresl per kilogram in School Yard
from kevin blanch: VIDEO: kevin d. blanch back up singing FOR R.T. my voice the entire thing one...
Spiritual Warfare
The Phaser | June 16, 2016DANIEL 2:43 PROJECT: Who Are ‘They’? – Entities of the NWO
from FaceLikeTheSun: VIDEO: A couple months ago, I was contacted by someone who said they had been doing research into...
The Phaser | June 16, 2016This Could Finally Lead To Hillary Clinton In Jail
from WeAreChange: VIDEO: In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the breaking news of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and hack...
The Phaser | June 16, 2016WHISTLEBLOWER — Shell Game: How Obama & Clinton Created ISIS
from Robert Exter: VIDEO: Story (NEVADA CITY, CA) Speaking at the third Liberty Tour, sponsored by Paul Preston’s Agenda...
The Phaser | June 16, 2016The Secret AGENDA Behind The Orlando Mass Shooting
from TheScariestMovieEver: VIDEO: This is NOT a video about whether or not the shooting was real or fake. This...
False Flag
The Phaser | June 16, 2016“Omar Mateen” Orlando Shooter EXPOSED: He’s An ACTOR!! 100% Proof
from LOGICBEFOREAUTHORITY: VIDEO: “Omar Mateen” Orlando Shooter Is An ACTOR!! 1000% Proof RELATED: Footage of Inside Pulse Before the...