The Latest
The Phaser | July 30, 2016STRANGE Times! UFOs Over Ontario, Giant Ocean Vortex & More!
from secureteam10; STRANGE Times! UFOs Over Ontario, Giant Ocean Vortex & More! VIDEO:
Spiritual Warfare
The Phaser | July 30, 2016DNC Hillary Clinton & Katy Perry Rise of the Antichrist Programming EXPOSED !!!
from The Vigilant Christian: VIDEO: In this video I expose the DNC Hillary and Katy Antichrist subliminal programming! Katy...
The Phaser | July 30, 2016Putin Begs The American People to WAKE UP, Exposes Mockingbird Media
from HowISee TheWorld; VIDEO: Russia Insider, Putin…warns journalists of war: Russia Insider vid, Putin: US / NATO is...
The Phaser | July 30, 2016Suicide Squad: Will Smith, Hollywood Illuminati Psyops
from pocketsofthefuture: Suicide Squad-Will Smith Illuminati Psyops VIDEO:
The Phaser | July 30, 2016Sunshint Mint CEO Tom Power on US Mint Silver Eagle Production & Silver Shortages
from SilverDoctors; VIDEO: Sunshine Minting CEO Tom Power Joined the Show For An Exclusive Insider’s Look at the Trends &...
The Phaser | July 30, 2016Predictive Programming, 007 & the Breakaway Civilization — Jay Dyer
from Jay D; Jay Dyer – Hollywood Predictive Programming and the Secret Space Agenda VIDEO: Jay Dyer’s presentation from...
The Phaser | July 30, 2016On ISIS: “Why Has Infowars & Paul Watson Been Reduced To Parroting Mainstream Media?”
from The Richie Allen Show; NOTE: Richie rightly goes after Paul Watson & Infowars at the 11:00 mark. VIDEO:...
The Phaser | July 30, 2016The Many, Many Mysterious Deaths of Holistic Doctors — Erin Elizabeth
from MANTICORE.COM: VIDEO: This is Part 1 of 2. Part 1 is being provided as a courtesy from SANITAS...
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Russian General: “9/11 Was an Operation Prepared by Special Forces of the Global Mafia”
from Hollands Glorie; VIDEO: Konstantin P. Petrov (August 23, 1945, Noginsk, Moscow Region – July 21, 2009, Moscow) –...
The Phaser | July 29, 2016MASS SIGHTING: “Unidentified” Objects Entered Earth’s Atmosphere
from secureteam10: MASS Sighting! “Unidentified” Objects Enter Earth’s Atmosphere & More! 7/28/16 VIDEO:
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Feel the BURN: Bernie Hot Mic Proves He Was Never a Real Candidate
from TRUTHstreammedia: VIDEO: Most of us knew this already, but now here’s proof. Is Bernie going down fighting for...
The Phaser | July 29, 2016SkyWatchTV News: L.A. Marzulli & Richard Shaw – Fairy or Demon Locust?
from SkyWatch TV: VIDEO: L.A. Marzulli stunned the audience at the Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference with images of...
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Trump, Putin, Wikileaks Challenge Clinton-Bush-Soros NWO Globalist Paradigm
from Giza Death Star Community; VIDEO: Hungary’s Prime minister likes Trump, the French Prime Minister says simply to get...
Spiritual Warfare
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Wonder Woman – Illuminati Comi-con Satanic Propaganda EXPOSED
from The Vigilant Christian; Wonder Woman – Illuminati Satanic Nephilim of Genesis 6 EXPOSED (Comi-con Satanic Propaganda) VIDEO: In...
The Phaser | July 29, 2016IT’S ALL COMING APART AT THE SEAMS — Jason Burack
from VIDEO: Thanks to Wikileaks, we now have smoking gun proof that the corrupt Democratic National Committee and...
False Flag
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Nice Attack: Trying to Solve the Mystery of Blanket Man
from Serebra Sana: VIDEO: In this segment, I take a look at “Blanket Man” and discover more anomalies in the...
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Putin Orders “Full Defense” of Trump With Full Release of Hillary Clinton E-mails
from ufoswlg: VIDEO: A sensational report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Putin has ended the…
The Phaser | July 29, 2016MOLTEN GRANITE: PROOF of Underground Tactical Nuclear Explosion on 9/11?
from Hollands Glorie: VIDEO: Well, this is certainly proof that the “official” story is bullsh#t. As one can see,...
False Flag
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Sandy Hook Justice Report UPDATES — Wolfgang Halbig
from HowISee SandyHook: VIDEO: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not...
The Phaser | July 29, 2016Bernie Leaves The Democratic Party… UM, HUH?! [The NWO Ship is Sinking]
from The AntiCoIntelPro Show; VIDEO: Turn Out The Lights The Political Puppet Party Is Over Democrats… RELATED: DEMOCRAT...