The Phaser | October 2, 2015
Hate Monger Netanyahu Gives Death Stare To UN Members
from Spiro: VIDEO: Netanyahu and Israel have lost all respect and credibility. The stage is being set… unfolding before your...
The Phaser | September 29, 2015
Putin Sends Bibi Packing
by Brother Nathanael Kapner, Realjewnews: LIKE A DOG WITH HIS TAIL between his legs, Netanyahu walked away from his recent...
The Phaser | September 29, 2015
Refugee Crisis Or Political Ploy?
from Brother Nathanael: VIDEO: Brother Nathanael tells it like it is. As does Assad. And Putin. And the Zionist...
The Phaser | September 26, 2015
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel
from TheRealNews: VIDEO: Miko Peled is from a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family and was born in Jerusalem....
The Phaser | September 24, 2015
Zionist Alliance: NA+ZI to Create Israel Through Holocaust
from WeAreONEbigFamily: VIDEO: Eustace Mullins has brought forth important research but he never deals with the jesuits and the Vatican...
The Phaser | September 24, 2015
Occult Zionism: Hell on Earth — A Documentary
from PEREXUSREX: VIDEO: NEW For those with awakened hearts . . . take the time to learn and understand the...
The Phaser | September 20, 2015
The 3rd World War Brought To You By Zionists — Benjamin H. Freedman
from ConspiracyScope: VIDEO: Benjamin H. Freedman – Willard Hotel (1961) ‘The Third World War’
The Phaser | September 20, 2015
The University Of Illinois ‘Israel’ Scandal
from Brother Nathanael: VIDEO: Zionist control over many institutions of higher education is no secret, so where does free...
The Phaser | September 16, 2015
The Rothschild Illuminati New World Order
from 818encino: VIDEO: The Rothschild power cannot be overestimated. Zionist Rothschild power controls the world. (Or wait, is it...
The Phaser | September 16, 2015
Militant Zionism Took Over Israel In The 80’s, Now It’s Out Of Control
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Guest Patrick Henningsen “Extremist Militant Zionism Took Over Israel In The 1980’s &...