The Phaser | February 21, 2015
How Hillary Lobbied For Mega Corporations as Secretary of State
by Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg.com: That approach, which Mrs. Clinton called “economic statecraft,” emerged in discussions with Robert...
The Phaser | February 20, 2015
Since 9/11 the U.S. Has Been in More Than 5 Wars… ALL DISASTERS
by Washingtons’ Blog, via Global Research: Why Does America Keep “Losing” Its Wars? Below, we demonstrate that the...
The Phaser | February 19, 2015
Google Chairman on Obsolete Man: ‘The Internet Will Soon Be Part of You’
from Truthstream Media: While sitting on a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland recently, Google...
The Phaser | February 19, 2015
The Horrifying Rise of the “Death Cult” of ISIS – and Its Occult Roots
from Vigilant Citizen: U.S. President Barack Obama has denounced the jihadist group known as “ISIS” as a “brutal, vicious...
The Phaser | February 18, 2015
EQUATION GROUP: NSA-Linked Spies Can Hack ANY Computer
from The Independent: The US security services have developed software that has enabled it to spy on home...
The Phaser | February 17, 2015
The Rothschild Illuminati Colonization of India
from Great Game India: India was once a rich country, it was called ‘Sone Ki Chidiya‘ (Bird of...
The Phaser | February 17, 2015
Major Middle East Offensive Prepared By U.S. Gov’t & Central Bankers
from X22 Report: Greece and the ECB could not come to an agreement over the debt. Greeks are...
The Phaser | February 17, 2015
OBAMA CLOSES PORTS: Dollar & U.S. Population to Collapse Says RAND Corp
from William Mount: Per the Obama administrative goal of destroying America, the Ports have closed right on time....
The Phaser | February 17, 2015
ACT OF WAR: The U.S.-Sponsored Neo-Nazi Coup d’Etat in Ukraine
from Global ResearchTV: Violence and bloodshed continues to rock Ukraine as factions compete in the power vacuum of...
The Phaser | February 17, 2015
Pentagon Makes No Secret of Monitoring Social Change Activism
by Nafeez Ahmed, via OCCUPY.com: he U.S. military is increasingly concerned about the risks to social, political and...