The Phaser | August 3, 2015
Pedophile Billionaires: The Epstein & Clinton Pedo Cover-Up
from TheLipTV: VIDEO: Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his relationship with Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and other...
The Phaser | August 2, 2015
Clinton Insider: “I Committed Murder For The Clintons”
from Pete Santilli Show: VIDEO: Two years ago Clinton confidant Larry Nichols admitted on The Pete Santilli Show...
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
The Social Terrorism of the Mainstream Media
from thecrowhouse: VIDEO: Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – Season 5 – Episode 04
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
Are ISIS Led, El Salvadorian Gangs in Beta Test For US Invasion?
from NorthWestLibertyNews: VIDEO: Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show and James White of The Liberty Brothers Radio...
The Phaser | August 1, 2015
Conspiracy FACTS Prove Moon Landing A Hoax
from Pete Santilli Show: Pete Santilli Episode #1031: Pete Santilli covering today’s important news and welcomes his guest...
The Phaser | July 31, 2015
by Jon Schwarz, The Intercept: VIDEO & Article: Former president Jimmy Carter said Tuesday on the nationally-syndicated radio...
The Phaser | July 31, 2015
MUST HEAR: Hunger Strike To Expose UN Global Depopulation Plans
from Next News Network, via UN Smart Greed Agenda 21 Dissected: VIDEO: Guest Kevin Galalae speaks out against...
The Phaser | July 30, 2015
UPDATE: H.R. 2899 Bill for Dealing with American “Extremists”
from jsnip4: Digging into the latest Nazi-esque, overtly tyrannical Bill from the US Congress, as reported by SGT...
The Phaser | July 30, 2015
FALLOUT 4 to MATTHEW 4: How the NWO Funds the Video Game Industry
from FaceLikeTheSun: With the upcoming release of the post-apocalyptic game Fallout 4, I thought I’d trace the money...
The Phaser | July 29, 2015
HR 2899: FEMA Camps & Rounding Up ‘Radicalized’ Americans
from Verify Events Research: VIDEO: This Verify Events Research video is to discuss/clarify the new bill HR 2899...