The Phaser | October 25, 2015
Bernie Sanders State Department Socialist
from Webster Tarpley Radio: VIDEO: Bernie Sanders shielded Clinton from the e-mails debacle during the last debate, like a...
The Phaser | October 25, 2015
Paul Ryan Exemplifies How We’re Being Led Into Totalitarian Government
from Pete Santilli Show: VIDEO: Constitutional Attorney Krisanne Hallhow explains how Paul Ryan’s “promises” exemplify how ALL of the...
The Phaser | October 25, 2015
The Empire Strikes Back To Protect VIP Paedophiles — David Icke
from davidicke: VIDEO: 18th October Videocast Trailer – The Empire Strikes Back On VIP Paedophilia – The David Icke Videocast. Watch...
The Phaser | October 25, 2015
Level9News: DARPA, Brain Mapping, AI & Emerging Gov’t Technology
from Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute: VIDEO: DJ of Level9News discusses DARPA and the different cutting-edge technologies being developed by the US...
The Phaser | October 24, 2015
Libya: Ten Things About Gaddafi They Don’t Want You to Know
from Global Research: What do you think of when you hear the name Colonel Gaddafi? Tyrant? Dictator? Terrorist? Well, a...
The Phaser | October 24, 2015
Bruce Jenner: A Man Named ‘Woman of the Year’ by Glamour
from pocketsofthefuture: VIDEO: Press the PLAY icon above.
The Phaser | October 24, 2015
from The Next News Network: VIDEO: Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | In a ruling that directly paves the way for...
The Phaser | October 23, 2015
Wikileaks Confirms: CIA Are Conducting Operations on U.S. Soil
from Spiro: VIDEO: The CIA is an arm of the criminal international bankers. The Dulles brothers? Are you kidding...
The Phaser | October 23, 2015
YOU Are A Share Of Stock In The Corporation — Anita Whitney
from SGTreport.com: VIDEO: We are governed by a system of corporate contracts which have usurped the power of our...
The Phaser | October 23, 2015
Hurt Evil Corporations, Boycott Their Products — John Perkins
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman tells it like it is....