The Phaser | March 5, 2016
The ESTABLISHMENT is Weak, The Time is Ripe To Topple Them
from ROGUE MONEY: NOTE: Fast forward to 11:00 to bypass some of the tech issues. VIDEO: Harley Schlanger sits...
The Phaser | March 5, 2016
Gingrich: Trump Rejected For Not Being Part Of The Secret Order
from The Alex Jones Channel: VIDEO: Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly last night...
The Phaser | March 5, 2016
Transhumanism Rising
from thecrowhouse: VIDEO: Max Igan explains the rise of transhumanism and the dire straits for humanity.
The Phaser | March 4, 2016
How Long Before You’re Replaced by a Robot?
from pocketsofthefuture: VIDEO: The White House is worried that robots are coming to take your job. If you make...
The Phaser | March 4, 2016
Fear and Chaos: The Currency of Control — David Icke
from David Icke: VIDEO: David Icke Talks About How Fear and Chaos Are The Currency of Control
The Phaser | March 4, 2016
from ron johnson: A series of unexplained explosions has local residents concerned as claims of “odd people” in the...
The Phaser | March 3, 2016
ANOTHER Suspicious Death, Less Than 24 Hours After Being Indicted
from DAHBOO777: VIDEO: Aubrey McClendon, former chief executive of Chesapeake Energy Corporation, died in a fiery car crash on Wednesday...
The Phaser | March 2, 2016
Coalition Against CIA-NSA Transhumanist Neural Robotoid Agenda
from Alfred Lambremont Webre: VIDEO: Magnus Olsson launches World Coalition against AI-CIA-NSA DEW transhumanist neural robotoid agenda Magnus Olsson...
The Phaser | March 1, 2016
Meet the Bogus Technology Government Will Use to FRAME You
from corbettreport: VIDEO: SHOW NOTES AND MP4: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=18031 What happens if the facial recognition cameras get it wrong? Or the...
The Phaser | March 1, 2016
SUSPICIOUS Letters Targeting Oregon Sheriffs EXPOSED — Sibel Edmonds
from Spiro: VIDEO: Dr. Fred Whitehurst, the nation’s leading forensic expert, former Supervisory Special Agent in the Federal Bureau of...