The Phaser | March 11, 2016
EXPOSING THE NWO: The Political Art of David Dees
from SGTreport.com: VIDEO: Political artist David Dees is back to discuss some of his latest illustrations and world events....
The Phaser | March 10, 2016
Evidence of NASA’s Mars Rover Deception — Part 1
from ZxrAlienWarrior: Here’s the LINK TO PART 2! VIDEO: Please visit Richard D Hall’s website RICHPLANET.NET http://www.richplanet.net … to see...
The Phaser | March 10, 2016
DARPA Spending $62 Million to Create Military Cyborgs
from StuartJHooper: VIDEO: The Pentagon’s deep research and development unit DARPA will not rest until it fully implements the...
The Phaser | March 10, 2016
MK Ultra & Biological Weapons — Jack Heart
from The Sage of Quay Radio Hour: VIDEO: Jack Heart returns to the show. Jack’s recent article entitled ‘MK Ultra...
The Phaser | March 9, 2016
The Cult of the Order Followers — Mark Passio
from MANTICORE.COM: VIDEO: This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this...
The Phaser | March 8, 2016
from grindall61: VIDEO: LA Times article about how Wells Fargo will be having its commercial customers use eye/thumbprint/voiceprint biometrics to...
The Phaser | March 7, 2016
SMOKING GUN: Ted Cruz Was NOT A U.S. Citizen AT BIRTH!
from ppsimmons: VIDEO: Smoking Gun! Ted Cruz Was NOT American Citizen at Birth! Given AMNESTY in 1986 by President Reagan?...
The Phaser | March 7, 2016
NATO’s Plans For Syria & What The Media Isn’t Telling You
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Guest: Patrick Henningsen
The Phaser | March 6, 2016
Putin VS. Global Terror, RFDE/HAARP Attack, One World Religion
from Alfred Lambremont Webre: VIDEO: Leuren Moret: Putin vs Global Terrorism, Global RFDE/HAARP Attack, Chemtrail Attack On Net Security Conference,...
The Phaser | March 6, 2016
5 Secret Conspiracies to Stop Donald Trump
from Dark5: Donald Trump is waking a sleeping electorate, and The Establishment is ready to conspire against them…