Hidden History & Technology
The Phaser | January 9, 2019
Long Distance Infrared Photog Exposes Lies! Mt St. Jacinto from 123 Miles!
from jeranism: Long Distance Infrared Photography Exposes Globe Lie! Mt St. Jacinto from 123 miles by Jtolan Media1 VIDEO:...
The Phaser | January 6, 2019
Why NASA never went back to the moon…
from John Caleb Warren: Why NASA never went back to the moon… VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GnO39_VJnw Now watch the FULL video:...
The Phaser | December 21, 2018
LISTEN: Jme Lee ON The Grandada Forum @ Revolution Radio
from aplanetruth.info: Paradise #43 Jme Lee Interviewed ON The Grandada Forum @ Reveloution Radio VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS8hy7AbprU
The Phaser | December 19, 2018
from FLAT EARTH BROTHERS: WHY THEY LIE — PARTS 1, 2 & 3 VIDEO: The biggest and most important...
The Phaser | November 24, 2018
The Electric Universe – PART 1 OF 3
from Richard Hall: The Electric Universe VIDEO: I’ve been meaning to cover the electric universe for some time now....
The Phaser | November 17, 2018
NOAH’S ARK: “Second deck” Mt. Ararat? Global Mainstream Media SILENT
from Phillip Williams, via Gerrit Aalten: Second deck” Noah’s ark Mt. Ararat part 2 – 40+ features and structures...
The Phaser | November 13, 2018
The Moon is ARTIFICIAL, and I Can Prove It: Alien Observatory
from Universe Inside You: The Moon is Artificial and I Can Prove It: Alien Observatory VIDEO:
The Phaser | November 9, 2018
Tesla Technology Has Been Revived
from Truthstream Media: Tesla Technology Has Been Revived VIDEO:
The Phaser | October 31, 2018
PROOF: The Eye of The Sahara IS the Location of ATLANTIS!!!
from Bright Insight: The Eye of The Sahara IS the Location of Atlantis – Lost Ancient Civilization & The...
The Phaser | October 29, 2018
from McAllisterTV: USA: GIANT HUMAN SKELETON HAD TUSK, ELONGATED SKULL & LONG ARMS! VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1PoiBZq4Bo More from this Producer…...