The Phaser | March 4, 2015
White House ‘Pulls Plug’ on Vaccine Rights Petition
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Ever since the word got out about Health and Human Services requesting...
The Phaser | March 3, 2015
Biotechs Claim Campaign Against GMO “Condemns Billions to Hunger”
by Colin Todhunter, via Global GMOs and Green Blob Hallucinations: The Twisted World of Mr Paterson Speaking last...
The Phaser | March 3, 2015
Suggestions to HHS Regarding Vaccinations
by Catherine J. Frompovich , via Activist U.S. Health & Human Services Ref: Federal Register Doc. 2015-02481 –...
The Phaser | March 2, 2015
CONFIRMED: Ukrainian Land Being Transferred to Oligarchs & Seed Companies
Ukraine’s fertile land is now the property of oligarchs and European businesses by Anita Zalaldinova-Translated for RI, via Russian...
The Phaser | March 2, 2015
Meta-Study On GMO Food: Virtually All Independent Scientists Concerned
from Washington’s Tufts University’s Director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment...
The Phaser | March 2, 2015
What’s Really Behind the Current Measles Outbreak?
by Dr. Tedd Koren, via Activist In this nation of over 300 million, a little over a...
The Phaser | February 28, 2015
Jonas Salk Polio Vaccine: Medical Breakthrough or Big Pharma Propaganda?
by Timothy Alexander Guzman, via Global When polio (poliomyelitis) became an epidemic in the U.S. and other parts...
The Phaser | February 27, 2015
Seeds of Destruction: How They’ve Hijacked Our World’s Food Supply
from 21st Century The damage done by the industrial agro-chemical industry is officially out of control now....
The Phaser | February 27, 2015
Biochemistry Science versus the Pharmaceutical-Medical Paradigm
by Catherine J. Frompovich, via Activist What is biochemistry? According to the Medical Dictionary at The Free...
The Phaser | February 26, 2015
Jon Rappoport: Vaccine Wars, Disneyland Measles & The Synthetic Population
interview Jon Rappoport, via Red Ice Jon Rappoport is an investigative journalist, author and publisher of...