The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Why Are We Literally Eating Demon-Shaped Dead Food in This Society?
from TRUTHstreammedia: It was bad enough when it was just nutritionally void, genetically modified, and filled with dangerous...
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Monsanto lobbyist: ‘Pesticide safe for humans to drink, but I’m not an idiot to try it myself’
from A lobbyist for Monsanto claimed that it was safe to drink “a quart” of the company’s...
The Phaser | March 29, 2015
Monsanto Shareholders Overwhelmingly Oppose GMO Labeling
from Sputnik As more states consider making it mandatory to label genetically modified food as such, shareholders...
The Phaser | March 28, 2015
Empire and Colonialism: Rich Men in London Still Deciding Africa’s Future
by Colin Todhunter, Global Some £600 million in UK aid money courtesy of the taxpayer is helping...
The Phaser | March 27, 2015
Congressional Bill to Get Key Antibiotics Out of Livestock Feed
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post: The only microbiologist in the U.S. Congress, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (D-NY) has...
The Phaser | March 27, 2015
Open letter to alt. news sites everywhere: re Monsanto
by Jon Rappoport, Activist Subject: College activism around the world against Monsanto Divest Monsanto From Jon Rappoport...
The Phaser | March 26, 2015
Monsanto Asks World Health Organization to “Retract” Cancer Link
by Anthony Gucciardi, Global Just days after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer released...
The Phaser | March 26, 2015
How to Make a Lobbyist Squirm – Glyphosate kills
from corbettreport: Glyphosate kills. Don’t believe the mounting scientific evidence on the subject? Then just ask a lobbyist...
The Phaser | March 25, 2015
Gates and Obama Share a Dark Secret
by F. William Engdahl, In 2014 there was the western Africa Ebola hoax where US President Barack...
The Phaser | March 24, 2015
What’s Your “Daily Value” of Glyphosate?
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Do readers know what glyphosate is? Or, what the Daily Value (DV)...