The Phaser | April 22, 2015
Global Alliance for Health and Social Compact/Corruption “does Georgia”
by Henry Kamens, One would think that good health is a public good, and therefore a functioning...
The Phaser | April 22, 2015
Monsanto is Buying Lands
by Vladimir Platov, It is believed that there are just over 1.4 billion hectares of land potentially...
The Phaser | April 20, 2015
STUDY: Monsanto Roundup Kills Human Placenta Cells at Levels AlLLOWED in Drinking Water
from Global Findings of new study need confirmation in animal tests Roundup is an endocrine disruptor and...
The Phaser | April 20, 2015
Compact Fluorescent (CF) Energy Saving Light Bulbs: Serious Health Hazard Due to Mercury Content
by David Gutierrez, Global If broken indoors, compact fluorescent (CF) light bulbs release 20 times the maximum...
The Phaser | April 20, 2015
Choosing Life
by Chris Hedges, MINISINK, N.Y.—The affable, soft-spoken dairy farmer stood outside his 70-stall milking barn on his...
The Phaser | April 19, 2015
Smart Meters Unveiled
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Smart Meter (SM) technology is something most consumers may not be familiar...
The Phaser | April 19, 2015
Monsanto Knew of Glyphosate / Cancer Link 35 Years Ago
from Global by GM-Free Cymru According to evidence unearthed from the archives of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)...
The Phaser | April 17, 2015
Dear Farmers: U.S. is Now Importing Organic Corn to Satisfy Consumer Demand
by Heather Callaghan, Activist There are three things driving a surge in organic imports: U.S. farmers have...
The Phaser | April 17, 2015
U.S. Blocked Declaration of a Right to Health Care, Says Bolivia’s President
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s Bolivia’s President Evo Morales has blamed U.S. President Barack Obama for the failure...
The Phaser | April 17, 2015
Ukraine a Vector for GMO Poison’s Spread Through EU
by Ulson Gunnar, When the Washington Post chooses to pen an insulting, condescending editorial targeting entire nations...