The Phaser | March 16, 2015
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Holy Shit Numbers
by Jim, via RestUS.us: Who’s your daddy? For two thousand years the holy mother Catholic church has been...
The Phaser | March 16, 2015
Murder and Narcotrafficking in the Marines
by Robert O’Dowd, via Veterans Today.com: The bond between two brothers is reinforced when one brother breaks his...
The Phaser | March 16, 2015
Max Keiser Rage and The Dead Reds Brighton
Max Keiser is an American broadcaster and film-maker. He hosts Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on RT,...
The Phaser | March 16, 2015
Global Threat? US Policymakers Admit Iran is Defending Itself
by Tony Cartalucci, via NEO.org: US policymakers admit that Iran’s strategy is “largely defensive,” and both aggressive and...
The Phaser | March 16, 2015
A Bosnian scenario for Ukraine?
by Ivan Proshkin, via Oriental Review.org: The future for America’s shipments of lethal weapons to Ukraine is not...
The Phaser | March 15, 2015
Jay Weidner “Kubrick´s Odyssey How Stanley Faked the Moon Landings”
“Jay Weidner is an author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar, considered to be a “modern-day Indiana Jones” for his...
The Phaser | March 15, 2015
Victoria Nuland and the ‘not-so-fine’ Art of Propaganda
by Richard Edmonson, via Fig Trees and Vineyards: Last week I put up a post entitled America’s ‘Kagans’...
The Phaser | March 15, 2015
Power of ten: How neocons and the fake-left took over British establishment
by Neil Clark, via RT.com: Forty years ago, Britain could be described as a vibrant democracy. Our parties...
The Phaser | March 14, 2015
Have Pillaged Iraqi Artifacts Ended Up in Israel?
Iraqi Cuneiform Tablets Now on Display at Museum in Jerusalem by Richard Edmonson, via Veterans Today.com: With ISIS...
The Phaser | March 14, 2015
Does Sen. Menendez bust involve drugs & child sex slaves?
Not just a traitor, but a pedophile too? by Kevin Barrett, via Veterans Today.com: (Editor’s note: Jeb and...