The Phaser | April 7, 2015
Boycotting Israel More Urgent than in Case of South Africa, Says Anti-Apartheid Veteran
by Adri Nieuwhof, Global Research.com: Farid Esack believes that the call to boycott Israel is a progressive one....
The Phaser | April 7, 2015
Why America is Being Targeted?
by Gordon Duff, NEO.org: The world is filled with extremist groups, both political and religious. One such group,...
The Phaser | April 7, 2015
U.S. Government . . . of kings, dynasties, dictators and legacies
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We keep...
The Phaser | April 7, 2015
What Your Computer’s File Directory Says About Your Mind
from corbettreport: Today James points out what a missing folder in his computer’s file directory can reveal about...
The Phaser | April 7, 2015
Afghan Mission accomplished: more heroin for the world
by John Rappoport, Activist Post.com: The Guardian reports statistics on opium agriculture in Afghanistan: “…the US counternarcotics mission...
The Phaser | April 7, 2015
MIKE HARRIS: Short End of the Stick March 31 2015 with Guest Ben Fulford
from Galactic Connection: A very fascinating interview with Benjamin Fulford & Mike Harris discussing the current state of affairs....
The Phaser | April 6, 2015
A Turning Point in Brazil: Which Way Forward for Dilma Rousseff?
by Caleb Maupin, NEO.org: In a highly polarized Latin America, Brazil has held out for a little more...
The Phaser | April 6, 2015
Russia wrong, even when they are right! Censorship for pointing out the truth.
by Katherine Frisk, The Phaser.com: A comment was recently made on an anti- Fracking page, which after...
The Phaser | April 6, 2015
by Jacob G. Hornberger, Hornberger’s Blog. It is impossible to overstate the magnitude of the warfare-state revolution that...
The Phaser | April 6, 2015
Enlightenment Under the Cherry Blossoms – Questions For Corbett #021
from corbettreport: In this edition of the Questions For Corbett podcast, James ventures outside to sit under the...