The Phaser | April 27, 2015
Sudan pyramids forgotten about despite being UNESCO World Heritage Site
from Press TV: Ancient pyramids are famous for being located in Egypt, but who would think that neighboring...
The Phaser | April 27, 2015
Leaking CIA secrets leads to severe punishment, unless you are the boss
by Bryan MacDonald, RT.com: The problem with the lenient treatment of former CIA Director, David Petraeus, isn’t that...
The Phaser | April 27, 2015
MH17: How the Media Failed the Victims and the Families
by James ONeill, NEO.org: In examining the evidence relating to the shooting down of Flight MH17 over the...
The Phaser | April 27, 2015
Will it Be ‘So Long California, Been Good to Know You’?
by F. William Engdahl, NEO.org: We occasionally hear stories of the Great Dustbowl in America’s grain-rich Midwest during the...
The Phaser | April 26, 2015
From Anarchy to degeneration- Imposing External Law. Quakers. Extract Two. Part Seven: The Path Of The Masters
by Katherine Frisk, The Phaser.com: The spirit of the Cathari never died in the south of France. They...
The Phaser | April 26, 2015
Webster Tarpley- Eyewitness Report from the Donetsk People’s Republic
Wartime Revolution Against Neoliberals, Fascists, and Oligarchs in Donetsk-Donbass: All Banks Nationalized; Electricity, Coal and Infrastructure Under State...
The Phaser | April 26, 2015
Armenian Genocide Remembered “4-All The Wrong Reasons”
by Seth Ferris, NEO.org: On April 24 Armenia was holding various events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the...
The Phaser | April 26, 2015
Perspective on Sacrifice: The US Has Hit Bottom
by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today.com: America has a military today that has recently lost two wars, a military...
The Phaser | April 25, 2015
Patrick Wood – Hour 1 – Technocracy Rising
from Red Ice Creations: Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since...
The Phaser | April 25, 2015
Oil & Economic Wars with Russia, China & Iran – William Engdahl
from Buzzsaw: Russia, China, the US, and the seeds of World War III are explored–from oil and energy,...