The Phaser | July 26, 2015
Would-Be Bully Gets Schooled About RICH MEN’S WARS
from AdamKokesh: Would-be bully gets #KOKESHED (nonviolent communication in action) The American Campfire Freedom Tour schedule: http://thefreedomline.com/the-america… Original...
The Phaser | July 26, 2015
MOCKINGBIRDS WARN: West Coast Mega-Quake & Tsunami “a CERTAINTY”
from Fox News, Wake Up America: VIDEO: First Warning by Fox News’ Shepard Smith. “it’s a certainty, it’s...
The Phaser | July 24, 2015
BIZARRE: Gun Hoarding Dead Man Described As “Alien Hybrid”
from TheScariestMovieEver: Ed. Note: Time to demonize the Second Amendment and gun owners… They’re all Aliens! 🙂 –...
The Phaser | July 24, 2015
Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher — Gwen Olsen
from Red Ice Radio: Gwen Olsen is the author of the award-winning book, “Confessions of an Rx Drug...
The Phaser | July 23, 2015
Stephen Hawking Promotes $100 Million Search For E.T.
from FaceLikeTheSun: Billionaire Milner just donated $100 million dollars to search for extraterrestrials while scientist Stephen Hawkings endorses...
The Phaser | July 22, 2015
USGS Reports Major West Coast Quake ‘IMMINENT’!
Meanwhile… NBC ‘Accidentally’ Reports 9.0M Hits West Coast! from PressResetEarth: USGS Scientist: Major Quake On Hayward Fault Expected...
The Phaser | July 21, 2015
Comet 1770 Incoming & YELLOWSTONE WARNING!!
from BPEarthWatch: Comet 1770 Lexell incoming. Yellowstone is overheating. Here is the link to today’s Blogtalk Radio Show,...
The Phaser | July 21, 2015
Fake Jade Helm Militia Firefight Video Exposed
from The Alex Jones Channel: A video touted as a “bone rattling firefight” between jade Helm military &...
The Phaser | July 20, 2015
Wake Up America — Jon McNaughton
from Prepper Recon: Artist Jon McNaughton joins me on the show today to say “Wake Up America.” We...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
Fire From The Sky
from BPEarthWatch: Today’s LIVE BLOGTALK Radio Show with Gill Broussard. What is Coming Upon this Planet and are...