The Phaser | July 5, 2017
If This Doesn’t INFURIATE You…You’re Not Human!
from HighImpactFlix: If This Doesn’t INFURIATE You…You’re Not Human! VIDEO: Consider signing this petition to FREE Samuel Girod: https://www.change.org/p/free-ky-amis…...
The Phaser | July 4, 2017
BREAKING: Massive PizzaGate Arrests – 3500 Busted!
from David Zublick Channel: BREAKING: Massive PizzaGate Arrests – 3500 Busted! VIDEO: A massive operation just came to a...
The Phaser | July 3, 2017
Casey Neistat Responds to Controversy and Backlash & Much More!
from Philip DeFranco: Casey Neistat Responds to Controversy and Backlash, Reveals Beme’s Future & Much More! VIDEO:
The Phaser | July 3, 2017
President Trump Tweets CNN Takedown, Fake News Media Goes Nuts!
from Stefan Molyneux: President Trump Tweets CNN Takedown, Fake News Media Lose Their Mind VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja3zzO5PmtA
The Phaser | July 2, 2017
CNN Panel Upset They Are Being Held Accountable For Their LIES
from Hard Bastard: CNN Panel Upset They Are Being Held Accountable For Their Lies VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAYtaKZv4Nk
The Phaser | July 1, 2017
Van Jones: Russia is “Nothing burger”– American Pravda: CNN Part 2
from veritasvisuals: Van Jones: Russia is “Nothing burger”– American Pravda: CNN Part 2 VIDEO: Project Veritas’ American Pravda: CNN...
The Phaser | June 30, 2017
SWEDEN IN CHAOS: Western Capitulation / Eastern Europe on the Brink
from Black Pigeon Speaks: The FIRE Rises: Western Capitulation / Eastern Europe on the Brink VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPrJMUKNBwA
The Phaser | June 30, 2017
CNN Producer: Voters “Stupid as Sh*t”– American Pravda: CNN Part 3
from veritasvisuals: CNN Producer: Voters “Stupid as Sh*t”– American Pravda: CNN Part 3 VIDEO: Project Veritas’ newest video from...
The Phaser | June 30, 2017
This Crazy World Is Not The Universe
from HowISee TheWorld3: This Crazy World Is Not The Universe VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uZRGOwD0GY BONUS CONTENT FOT PHASER VISITORS: Catching Up...
The Phaser | June 30, 2017
Silicon Valley’s Doomsday: Prepping For An Economic Apocalypse
from AJ+: Silicon Valley’s Doomsday: Prepping For An Economic Apocalypse | AJ+ Docs VIDEO: As...