False Flag
The Phaser | December 16, 2015
Staging Attacks from Sandy Hook to San Bernardino
from Media Broadcasting Center Official Channel: VIDEO: Are you tired of the false flags yet? Then please help expose...
The Phaser | December 16, 2015
EXPOSED: Anonymous Links ISIS Twitter Accounts Back to BRITISH Government!
from Spiro: VIDEO: Teenage computer experts unveil astonishing web of unpublicised interactions linking extremist social media mouthpieces to the British...
The Phaser | December 15, 2015
The Sandy Hook ‘Event’ Redux — Allan William Powell
from Media Broadcasting Center Official Channel: VIDEO: The Real Deal Ep # 141.
The Phaser | December 15, 2015
Max Igan – Dealing with Kakistocracy & the Flat Earth PSYOP
from Max Igan, via Bob Cylon: noun, kakistocracy. 1. government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the...
The Phaser | December 14, 2015
Another Big Contrived Event is Coming — BILL HOLTER
from SGTreport.com: VIDEO: Another Big Contrived Event is Coming — BILL HOLTER Bill Holter from JS Mineset joins me to...
The Phaser | December 12, 2015
San Bernardino Shooting Is The Most Obvious False Flag Event In Recent History!”
from The Richie Allen Show: Michael Rivero: San Bernardino Shooting Is The Most Obvious False Flag Event In Recent...
The Phaser | December 10, 2015
San Bernardino Shooting False Flag Conspiracy (Micro-Doc)
from PressResetEarth: VIDEO: Russia Presents Detailed Evidence Of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade – http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12… Turkey Now A Theater of West-Russia Dispute...
The Phaser | December 8, 2015
The Truth Behind the San Bernardino Shootings?
from BPEarthWatch: Ed. Note: Does BPEarthWatch actually buy the official story that these two patsies were the actual shooters?...
The Phaser | December 8, 2015
NWO: Decoding the Paris “ISIS” Attack — Greg Hallett
from Media Broadcasting Center Official Channel: VIDEO: The Real Deal Ep # 138 Greg Hallett on The Meaning of...
The Phaser | December 7, 2015
The San Bernardino Shooting & Ritual 23 Observations
from MrCati: VIDEO: This video report shows and discusses additional ritual 23 observations made in the San Bernardino Shooting event...