False Flag
The Phaser | October 6, 2017
The Las Vegas Shooter Story Changes Once Again
from Stefan Molyneux: The Las Vegas Shooter Story Changes Once Again VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCBYAWyFEqM
The Phaser | October 6, 2017
DEEP STATE SLOGAN: If you see something, DON’T say something
from SGTreport: DEEP STATE SLOGAN: If you see something, DON’T say something — Dan Dicks VIDEO: It seems like...
The Phaser | October 6, 2017
Robert Steele “As A CIA Officer I Ran False Flag Ops. Las Vegas Is A False Flag!”
from The Richie Allen Show: Robert Steele “As A CIA Officer I Ran False Flag Ops. Las Vegas Is...
The Phaser | October 6, 2017
from Chris Fenwick: ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH: AUDIO ANALYSIS PROVES MULTIPLE SHOOTERS VIDEO: At the risk of being “that guy”...
The Phaser | October 6, 2017
Former SEAL Team Commander Speaks On Las Vegas Shooting
from Infowars, via End-Time Youth: Former SEAL Team Commander Speaks On Las Vegas Shooting VIDEO: Gun running, Gun control,...
The Phaser | October 5, 2017
Strange things about Stephen Paddock and the plane
from The Outer Light: Strange things about Stephen Paddock and the plane VIDEO: A number of strange things about...
The Phaser | October 5, 2017
~What Happens In Vegas, Stays With The CIA?~
from Anonymous Construct: ~What Happens In Vegas, Stays With The CIA?~ VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H3GzFbYaaI
The Phaser | October 5, 2017
Las Vegas shooting narrative is “MISSION IMPOSSIBLE”
from TheHealthRanger: Las Vegas shooting narrative is “MISSION IMPOSSIBLE” VIDEO: It’s all hogwash. The “official” narrative of how things...
The Phaser | October 5, 2017
Jay Dyer – The Strange Facets of the Las Vegas Shooting
from Red Ice TV: Jay Dyer – The Strange Facets of the Las Vegas Shooting VIDEO: Jay Dyer is...
The Phaser | October 5, 2017
Does This Possibility Make You Uncomfortable?
from reallygraceful: Does This Possibility Make You Uncomfortable? VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSzlBl2indU