All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
from grindall61: Obama and the UN, implementing Agenda 21, circumventing Congress.…
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
strange matters: Strangelets & The Dark Side of CERN
from luis sancho: In August 2014, a refurbished RHIC distillated the first atoms of strangelet. Now, in April...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
Terrorism Made in USA; The Global War on Terror is a BIG LIE
from KafkaWinstonWorld: VIDEO: Prof Michel Chossudovsky explains why ‘Terrorism’ is Made in the USA; The Global War on...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
Swords into Plowshares — Ron Paul
from RonPaul2008dotcom: Buy the book at… Liberty Report Co-Host Daniel McAdams interviews Ron Paul on his newest...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
Jade Helm – WTF ▶ Is Happening in Texas?
from event horizon: For those of you that say Jade Helm 15 is just a drill.. I say,...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
Fire From The Sky
from BPEarthWatch: Today’s LIVE BLOGTALK Radio Show with Gill Broussard. What is Coming Upon this Planet and are...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
Cop RUNS from Citizen, Citizen Gives CHASE, THUGS Show Up
from Gavin Seim: WARNING; STRONG LANGUAGE. Then he runs again as two of punks show up to intimidate...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
Rome, Vatican & De-evolution of the Human Race — Jordan Maxwell
from Science Discoveries: “Nothing in this world works the way you THINK it works.” – Jordan Maxwell
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
GEOENGINEERING: I Got The Chem-Trail Blues
from HatrickPenry: Like our good friend Dane Wigington from Geoengineering Watch… I got the Chem-Trail Blues baby. “On...
The Phaser | July 18, 2015
CYBER SECURITY: Politics, Privacy, and the Supernatural
from FaceLikeTheSun: Lots of information in the news today and in recent weeks about Cybersecurity. It appears the...