All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | August 27, 2015
REALIST NEWS: Virginia Reporter Shooting – Was it a False Flag?
from jsnip4: VIDEO: These are questions that must be asked since the US government now allows itself to use...
The Phaser | August 27, 2015
Evidence of Life on MARS?
from thirdphaseofmoon: VIDEO: MARS IS ALIVE! Incredible Evidence OF NASA Trying To Hide The Truth In Regards To Alien LIFE...
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
“Our Daughter Was Seriously Injured By Gardasil HPV Vaccine”
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Ann and Phil Lawlor firmly believe the Merck Gardasil HPV vaccination seriously injured their...
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
from FaceLikeTheSun: VIDEO: With the announcement from Stephen Hawking, that black holes might not be what we think, it seems...
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
CNN, Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix
from David Duke: VIDEO: This video reveals how the Zionist Matrix of Power controls Media, Politics and Banking and...
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
David Duke with Mike Rivero on Zionism & Alex Jones
from What Really Happened, via ConspiracyScope: VIDEO: David Duke discusses Zionism and his “debate” on the Alex Jones Show.
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
GeoEngineering Watch with Dane Wigington 8-26-2015
from UCYTV: VIDEO: “We have converging catasrophes that are converging from around the globe…. Apparently, it’s all so easy to...
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
September 23, 2015: The Crowning of Nimrod’s Tower
from C. Ervana 09232015: VIDEO: Please Board the Ark. Major portions of Jonathan Kleck’s work “One World Freedom Center Exposed:...
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
Jordan Maxwell on The Elite, Symbolism & The Occult
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: The one and only Jordan Maxwell joins Richie Allen to expose the symbolism...
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
EXPOSED: Remote Neural Monitoring & MIND CONTROL
from RT, via Magnus Olsson: VIDEO: Journalist and Bilderberg researcher Daniel Estulin interviews Magnus Olsson on RT. The best documentary...