All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
21 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Sucks
from The Next News Network: VIDEO: The website “” has compiled a list of 21 reasons why Hillary Clinton sucks…...
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
50% Of The Population May Not Survive The Collapse: James Rawles
from X22Report Spotlight: VIDEO: Today’s Guest: James Wesley Rawles Websites: Books: Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the...
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
The SB277 Referendum Uncovered: Your BODY, Your Rights.
from Fundraiser PR: VIDEO: Uncovering the new law SB277 and how you can help the parents of California children to...
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
China Now Dumping Dollar From Oil Trade For Yuan
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 761a
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
Jeb Bush to Attend Papal Mass September 23, 2015
from Zachary K Hubbard: VIDEO: Presidential Race Connections. I haven’t heard this news for any other Presidential Hopefuls… this could be...
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
The Petrodollar Collapse, the Tianjin China ‘Event’ & Endless QE
from TimeMonkRadioNetwork: VIDEO: Jim Willie ~ Updates in the Petrodollar War: China, Iran, and QE … ~ The Plane...
The Phaser | September 9, 2015
from grindall61: VIDEO: Small town newspaper from San Luis Obispo has article saying what I have written in the title.
The Phaser | September 8, 2015
September 2015 Web Bot ALTA Report
from jsnip4: VIDEO: This is a web bot ALTA report for September, 2015.
The Phaser | September 8, 2015
Big Pharma Has Been Hiding Evidence of Vaccine Injury For A Generation!
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Guest – Stephanie Messenger
The Phaser | September 8, 2015
Christians Will Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America
by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream: Christianity is being criminalized in the United States. No, I...