How many people did JP Morgan’s parking garage kill during the Texas Power Outage scam?!?
from Arcadia Economics:
How many people did JP Morgan’s parking garage kill during the Texas Power Outage scam
As you may know by now, the power went out in many sections of Texas this past week. Partly because Texas has an independent power grid, that was shocked by an unusual snow storm, which reportedly left the grid overwhelmed with power demand. But as is often the case when the financial markets are involved, things are not always as they seem. And what’s shocking, is that while people across the river were sleeping in the cold, with at least 17 reported dead on Tuesday night, the heat remained off on Wednesday as well. Meanwhile, repeated criminal felon bank and silver manipulator JP Morgan’s empty parking garages and ATM signs were lit up like Las Vegas. It was one of the more disgusting thing I’ve seen in my lifetime, and seems worthy of further investigation given that people died while you were told there was no power. No you can see for yourself how that’s simply not true. There’s a lot more going on here than you’ve been told, and if you want to start seeing what really happened (and hopefully will be prevented from ever happening again), click to watch this shocking video now!